View Poll Results: hacked hot towell cabinet? hot coals vs microwave

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  • what a great idea!

    2 18.18%
  • You will die a firey death!

    3 27.27%
  • hohum had mine for 20 years: here's how

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  • unthought of option 4

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Thread: inventors

  1. #1
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    Ok amigos I'm wondering if there has been any work done hacking a standard kitchen appliance in attempts to create a hot towel cabinet. Sorry Pals I'm not interested in microwaves. though that may be the simplest approach. I'm not a barber, not a masseur so I have no desire for a large expensive cabinet. However I think it'd be xtra cool to make something similar that will be energy and space efficient and not cause fire.

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    How about a folded towel inserted into the steamer insert of a rice cooker? If you put in just a small amount of water, it won't take much energy to boil it and then it will switch over to the warm mode. Of course, it's going to have to be either a small towel or a large rice cooker.

    Another option would be to stick it into a coffee pot of a standard coffee-maker. The base would keep it warm but this would be a greater fire risk if all of the water evaporates.

    Another option would be to soak the towel in hot water in your sink.

  3. #3
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    I keep the hot water heater a touch on the cool side. It's hot enough I suppose. At one time I had a small instant hot water heater, though I believe it was tossed when I moved once. I wonder if a crock pot would work.

  4. #4
    Senior Member foundlingofdollar's Avatar
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    How about a wicker Chinese-style steam basket over a hot pot? Or you could place the hot pot inside a cooler. Any sort of steam generating heat source and something to contain the steam.

    I saw some guys that made a margarita machine by cutting a hole in the bottom of a cooler and marrying it to an in sink disposal unit...

  5. #5
    Senior Member Milton Man's Avatar
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    I hear slow cookers (or crock pots) on low provide a great hot towel, with little to no risk of fire. I know others have tried with sucess.

    Just a thought?


  6. #6
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I'm going with option 4. I just use some hot water out of the tap, wring out a fair amount, and put the hot, damp towel on my face. I'm already running hot water for my scuttle so it's no extra work, and this gets my face nice and damp in addition to heating it up. A cabinet would be a little classier, but my method works just fine for me.

  7. #7
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    I like the bamboo steamer idea for the look, crock pot sounds easily doable. I'd like it to be quick, efficient.

    The sink is simple enough; that's what I do now as well. I tried a new barber this week who pulled a hot towel from his cabinet before shaving the back of my neck. Saturday I'm going in for a shave. It just felt a lot nicer than the old wrung out wash rag I use at home. heh, maybe it was the towel

  8. #8
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    One of my favorite things in japan was the hot towels before a meal. You could get one of these: hot towel, Health Beauty, Home Garden items on

    And tell the wide that it is for when guests come for dinner.

  9. #9
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Option 4: Pan full of water heated on stove at the desired temp. I assume you have cooking pans, so it's easy enough. If you wanted to make the missus happy you could buy her a steamer insert for her larger pot and use that.

  10. #10
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    I really can't see myself shaving and cooking from the same pot, even though it's only towels- this appliance hack needs to stay in the bathroom without being bulky or clutter.

    I like the wash cloths in Japanese restaurants as well only I believe they should arrive at intervals throughout the meal

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