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  1. #1
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    Default Shaving supplies

    Hello, ladies and gents...

    This, I'm sure, has probably been asked before, but I'm at work and can't take the time to run through all the threads to search the answers, therefore, I thank you in advance for your kind consideration and time regarding the following:

    First, I was a long time DE/Safety shaver, but in 1992 I went electric. I'm now sick and tired of electric and have decided that straight is my way to go. I've done some online research as I know no one that straight-shaves and to whom I may turn for advice. I would like to know if there is a marked difference in shaving cream vs. shaving soap as far as how long either would last before having to resupply. I'm desirous of using a shaving scuttle and am considering purchasing the pewter available from or the "Moss scuttle" style used with cream. Also, I am probably going to purchase the Dovo "Red Bismark" set available online, unless someone can give me fair warning and guide me to something better. Price is the main issue as far as blade/brush/strop $etc. I do have a large collection of waterstones due to an unrelated yet happy coincidence. Any advice for a guy that's decided it's time?

  2. #2
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    As regards razor, go shave ready (as in honed by hand not in the factory) vintage or NOS. Save a lot of money and get a superior shave. I think the soap lasts longer but I've never got into the creams so someone else can probably chip in with more useful advice. Also, read the stickies in these forums and any others you come across. Enjoy it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ditch Doc's Avatar
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    buy either a razor in the classifieds here or Kenrup's starter kit which can be found in the vendor's corner. I think if money is an object, I have heard many fine things about Vulfix brushes. Get a Georgetown pottery scuttle for 40 bucks, it can't be beat.
    edit: Castle Forbes shaving cream is expensive, but it is awesome, and a tub will last forever.
    Last edited by Ditch Doc; 08-28-2008 at 10:18 PM. Reason: CF

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  5. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    My shaving soap lasts from 5 to 7 years so I have to say that it can certainly outlast a can of shaving cream. That makes it much cheaper and environmentally responsible.

  6. #5
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    Thanks to all! If the soap lasts that long, that's the direction I'll go. (More for pocketbook responsibility than environmental.) And I had seen individual razors in the classifieds, but hadn't seen kits. Another benefit of the SRP! Thanks again!

  7. #6
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    The classifieds on this site are a good starting point for obtaining good razors at a reasonable cost. I have read nothing but positives on the Dovo razors. I don't own one, yet. There are many sites (including ones that advertise on this site) that sell all the related items needed for shaving. Decide what your budget is for each item then find the best quality that you can afford. You will never be disappointed with quality. You will be able to amortize somethings over a very long time. Although they look relatively expensive up front look at what that cost is over a long period. There are starter sets advertised here that will set you up with good quality materials.

  8. #7
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Soaps do last much longer than creams but some prefer a cream to a soap. I've used both a Tub of Trumpers last me 3+months thats shaving every other day plus a bit more because I also shave my head. Personally suggest try both a good soap and a good tub or Tube of cream. Others prefer a super lather, which is a mixture of both cream and soap. The voyage of discover is part of the fun a charm of traditional shaving and personally I find the cream scents to be a little stronger which is something that makes me enjoy my shave time more too.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Hutch For This Useful Post:

    maplemaker (08-29-2008)

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