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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Introduction and First Shave

    My name is Nate, as you can see. I live in the foothills (kinda mountains, kinda not) of North Carolina. I've been lurking around here for awhile and hanging out in the chatroom which is how i obtained my first two razors. I received a Wapienica and DA prehoned from a member here. Yesterday when I received my razors I went and prepped for my first shave. I took a hot shower, made some hot lather, and got ready for my first shave. Everything went well. I shaved my whole face. The chin area was not a very close shave as I would very... careful in that area. I received one cut on my right cheek out of my own stupidity. I was moving the razor back up for another pass and put it down before my upward motion stopped and it slid just a hair and cut a small place on my cheek which bled just a little. I used the DA for that shave. My bay rum AS didn't burn at all.

    This morning, i shaved again except I used the wapienica. I used some bay rum shave soap sample, thanks to rob, and make a nice warm lather. I shaved my entire face again. The chin area went a little better this time after talking to some people in the chatroom about shaving that particular region. I nicked myself on my upper lip though. Not really bad, i shaved off a pimple essentially and made it bleed a bit. I also had a too close shave right beside my lips and there are a few little bitty dots that are red and almost bleeding. I used the bay rum AS again and it burned a little beside my lips where the shave was a bit too close.

    Overall, I like the weight of the DA but I like the feel and look of the wapienica. They both work great and have let me have 2 shaves of higher than mach 3 quality already. I really have enjoyed straight razor shaving so far and plan to continue. Applying lather is probably the best part

    Thanks for the advice getting going. I'm happy to have found SRP and learned the right way to straight shave versus going down the cheaper path to Zeepk heaven.


  2. #2
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Burke, VA USA
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    Welcome to SRP and congrats on the good shaves!
    You are miles ahead of how I started. I did not stray from my cheek areas for a number of weeks.
    You made a great choice for starter razors.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ditch Doc's Avatar
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    Winston-Salem, NC
    Thanked: 66


    Good Job! Down with Zeepk!

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