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  1. #31
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woork View Post
    What do you think of the Heljestrand and Falkenberg razors?
    I see a lot of them in bidding sites here in Sweden,the nice ones goes for about 10 bucks a piece.
    But I haven't bought one yet cuz i don't know anything about the quality of razors forged in Sweden..
    Swedish Steel is nice and most swedish razors are very good - if you look in the razor clubs section you'll see that there are quite a few fans.

  2. #32
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP Steel Angel. You've got some good egar there and I'm sure you'll be getting great shaves in no time.


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    Steel Angel (09-06-2008)

  4. #33
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel Angel View Post
    Many thanks for the warm welcome!

    Actually I think I only miss a vintage French blade, a Thiers-Issard or a Le Grelot for tight beards.

    One more little pic:

    Hello Philippe! I see you have the portuguese "O Melhor" shaving cream... meaning: "the best" shaving cream by the "Confiança" brand (meaning... "trust" )... Glad to know you have good taste!

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    Steel Angel (09-06-2008)

  6. #34
    Kiss of Steel Steel Angel's Avatar
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    You have seen well Francisco! I hope to write soon a review of this Portuguese shaving cream!

    Gents, do not forget to welcome my dear Meeme!

  7. #35
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    Default Welcome Steel Angel

    Welcome to Staight Razor Place.

    I have always been interested in France and all things French.

    When I was a small boy a French lady came to visit our school and told of her expierences during the Nazi occupation. I was fascinated by her stories of the Marquis and the French Resistance. Ever since then I have read everything I could get my hands on regarding the Resistance movement.

    I had the oportunity to visit Toulon France in the late sixties and spent many an evening at Charlies American Bar and Grill. Love that great French wine and those strong cigarettes.

    I think you are doing the right thing by studying Krav Maga. It is a practical system. I was taught American Millitary Hand to Hand Combat by my father and uncles from the time I was a small boy.
    I was fortunate to have a Sunday School teacher who had been a sparring partner with Jack Demsey.
    I also boxed at the Boys Club and when I was in the U. S. Navy.

    When I was in the Navy learned some fighting techniques from the Phillipino Sailors aboard my ship.

    In 1974 I joined the Southern Railway Police Department and served as a Special Agent for 32 years.
    During this time I attended many local, state and federal siminars on self defense tactic.

    I also trained in JuJitsu for two years with a Mr. Marshall who was awarded his black belt by none other than Kano in Japan.

    The best system I have found for someone that does not have a teacher is the Attack Proof by John Perkins. They have CDs, books . If one learns the basic techniques of this system he will be prepared for the streets.

    Again - Welcome

    D. M. Ellington

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    Steel Angel (09-07-2008)

  9. #36
    Kiss of Steel Steel Angel's Avatar
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    Thank you very much, D. M. Ellington!

    Wow, your résumé is impressive! Thanks for this interesting link, that is a pity the DVDs are quite expensive but I will consider buying the Attack Proof guide.

    Oh, and my favourite French resistant was Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves.

  10. #37
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    Default Bienvenue Steel Angel et Meeme!

    Bienvenue aux SRP!

    Pardon la qualité de mon français ... Je n'ai pas utilisé dans un longtemps. Il est également agréable de voir Cicéron cité avec tant d'éloquence sur le Web. Malheureusement, mon latin n'est pas aussi bonne qu'elle l'était. Toutefois, je parle russe et allemand couramment.

    Je n'ai pas à Paris depuis longtemps, mais encore l'amour de la ville. L'un de mes lieux de prédilection est le Cavaeu de la Huchette de la rue de la Huchette. Jazz étonnant!

    SRP - gens amical. J'espère que vous l'apprécierez!


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    Steel Angel (09-10-2008)

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