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Thread: Another Newbie

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Another Newbie

    Well, I been lurking here for a while and figured it was time to make myself known. I've always been interested in shaving with a straight razor. While I was in college I bought a straight off of ebay. I didn't do any research before I bought it. I figured one was as good as another. I ended up with a Pakistani POS. I didn't even know that they didn't come shave ready. I tried shaving with it a few times and all it did was pull and tug at the hair. I gave up on it. Fast forward to a month ago when I tossed out the Mach 3 and picked up a DE. I love it! I never enjoied shaving; now I can't wait til I get to shave again. Always in the back of my mind has been the straight razor, even after the debacle with the Pakistani.
    Since I picked up the DE, my straight razor interest has increased exponentially. I did get my great grandfather's Torrey straight, but it has a large (3mm wide x 2mm deep) chip in the middle of the blade, so it is not a shaver. Unfortunately I'm going to be waiting a while longer to get started shaving with straights. My wife, pregnant with our second son, has been put on bed rest with about 20 weeks to go. She has been the main source of income, a nurse while I work in IT at a bank, so I'm picking up a second job to make ends meet for a while. I've got plenty of shave gear to get me through the rest of the pregnancy. Time is also at a premium right now, so I don't know if I have the time to invest right now.
    Anyway, just thought I'd say hi. Sorry about the sob story and the long post. I'm good. Thanks for all the great info on the site. You guys rock!


  2. #2
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Sorry about your experience with te Pakistani blade. Don't let that discourage you. As far as the razor from your father look in the Vendor's Corner in the Forum for a honemeister. Also look in the classified for same, as well as a starter razor. No, it won't have training wheels, rather it will be more suited to a newbie like (and me). They are every bit as good at taking a hunk off your face as a $300 one! I purchased Lynn's CD and am happy I did. It contains a wealth of information for beginners. Welcome aboard!!

  3. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, glad to have you here.

    I think it's actually good to look around and absorb some of the important info here slowly - you'll get a chance to figure out what's important and what's just a matter of preference, so that when you decide to buy a razor you'll be more confident that you're making the right choices.

    Good luck

  4. #4
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    Gugi, that was pretty much what I was thinking. I usually don't rush into things without doing some research first. That was a hard lesson to learn. My list of things I'll need is not that long since I already use a soap and brush. I'm thinking that a Tony Miller srop and a razor or two should get me started.

  5. #5
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!!!
    Kenrup has a couple of different razors that are reasonalble and excellent shavers.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mike7120's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, we are glad to have you!

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