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  1. #1
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    Default First shave results

    OK, the title is somewhat misleading - this is actually my third shave, but the first with a proper strop (the first two I tried to get away without stropping as it didn't arrive yet). Overall it's coming along nicely - a few observations/concerns/questions:

    1. I really hate holding the razor the "proper" way, and I end up just holding the blade directly with my fingers and shaving much like I would with a knife on a stick. Whenever I try to do it the correct way it ends up being tedious and awkward. This leads me to believe that I might shave better with a Japanese style straight razor, where the scale won't get in my way. Anybody know where I can get one for a decent price? All of the ones I've seen go for 250+.

    2. Lather is really key. I've been shaving in college, so I'm still getting used to the water here (it's much harder at home, and I'm used to lathering there) and the razor tends to skip, or not "stick" to the face without a proper lather.

    3. NO IRRITATION. I've been loving this. For some reason with a single edge DE razor my face would get irritated even when I only shaved one pass with the grain. This is no longer the case. I shave as close, if not slightly closer than with a DE, and there's no irritation whatsoever. It actually feels like I'm scraping off more skin when I actually shave, but the end result is phenomenal.

    4. So after my first round of stropping, I've noticed that there are some vertical lines cut into the surface of the leather. It happens on the "return" trip, and it seems to kind of slice in regardless of how I strop. Is this a problem with the edge of the razor, or the way I'm stropping it (hell, it could be normal for all I know)? I don't seem to notice any problems when I'm actually shaving.

    5. Each shave has been getting progressively better, at a much faster pace than I thought it would take. The first shave was so-so, didn't cut myself but just presentable. Second shave was somewhat better, with a bit closer shave. Third shave was as close as I need, not BBS but no complaints at all. I can't wait to see how good it eventually gets.

    6. It's really hard to cut yourself with one of these if you know what you're doing. I've actually held the blade perpendicular to my skin on accident once, and I didn't get nicked. If I ever tried that with a DE and a Feather, I'd definitely be bleeding. I think that the blade is actually duller than a DE, but shaves better because of the weight and heft of the straight - this is all conjecture, perhaps someone more well-versed in the subject can give a real answer.

    I would like to thank the members of this forum. I don't post much because there's so much info in past threads that I end up lurking much more. That being said, I appreciate the time and effort that all of you put in to making this hobby more accessible to all.

    Finally, before I forget, my setup:
    Razor: Dame Stoddard and Kendal, 5/8 hollow
    Strop: Latigo apprentice
    No hone just yet - I shave ~twice a week so I can see myself going a good 3 months before I'll need to hone
    Brush: Crabtree + Evelyn Best Badger (I think it's the rebadged Edwin Jagger) Medium
    Soap: C&E sandalwood

  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Hi agian

    For Japanese razor you can contact OLD_SCHOOL, as I believe he is selling some of his collection to pay for a hospitalization of his wife (an advantage that I can see is that he will be able to get it to you properly honed).

    I am glad that you're getting good shaves, even if it's only your 3rd. I guess I know now that even if I've stropped a razor and oiled it, it still needs stropping.

    I'm a little concerned with the cuts on your strop. Can you take a picture? This should not be the case.
    I'm thinking that if the edge is chipped you will most certainly feel the irritation if you don't get a scratch. Your skin is way more gentle and sensitive than the strop's surface, that's why it seems rather strange. Find some magnifying glass and take a look at the edge, esp. the side and the region of the blade that seems to be causing the problem.

    And of course you can always send me the razor to take a look and if there are any problems to fix them

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by royalcrown View Post

    4. So after my first round of stropping, I've noticed that there are some vertical lines cut into the surface of the leather. It happens on the "return" trip, and it seems to kind of slice in regardless of how I strop. Is this a problem with the edge of the razor, or the way I'm stropping it (hell, it could be normal for all I know)? I don't seem to notice any problems when I'm actually shaving.
    If I'm understanding you correctly, I'm having the same problem, except on the "beginning trip" (starting near me then going away from me). I think it's just part of being a beginner and not being careful. For me, what's happening is, when I initially apply the blade to the leather (spine first, then edge), the edge is being moved ever so slightly towards me which cuts the strop. It doesn't take much movement so you have to be real cautious. I have a few small cuts in my strop but nothing major thankfully.

  4. #4
    jss is offline
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    Nice going royalcrown..You've done a very good job from the sounds of it..I'm still in the process of assembling my kit..So it will be quite a while before I have anything to report....Best

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    Update: I tried to get my cell phone to take pictures of it, but I can't e-mail it to myself for whatever reason. At any rate, the scratches seem largely superficial (scratching the strop with my fingernail seems to have the same effect) and I don't notice any defects on the blade that would implicate that as the culprit (with the caveat that the naked eye isn't good enough to notice such a thing). So far the shaves have been pretty good, so I guess it's not that big of a deal, but I guess I'll keep shaving and if any problems arise from that area I can assume it's a chip on the blade. I dunno how easy it will be to send you back the razor considering I just moved onto campus and do not know where the nearest fedex/UPS is, plus I don't want to make you go through the hassle if it's not affecting the shave.

    Thanks for everyone's help.

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