
42 views and no recommendations... Could the mods move this thread to the Newbies Corner forum for me?

I've spent most of my waking hours the last 3 days browsing the site and links here.
Mind you it was just looks but I really liked the Filarmonica 13 and the Dovo Bergischer Lowe. After reading the review of the Filarmonica I was ready to order one of those. Figured I couldn't go wrong there for $120. Unfortunately it seems the price has risen to $200. Then I saw the Josh Earl work of art that someone referred to as a "Spanish Point"... I was thinking that shape might be handy for detail work around my beard and in the corners. Then again I have been doing Ok with the corners on an injector blade. I take it that "toe" on the blade would make it less forgiving of lapses in technique.

Looks like I'll need stones and a strop for daily/weekly/or monthly maintenance. I was thinking 8K and 16K Shapton stones and some sort of paddle strop. Doh... I think I'm pushing $400 so far.

Yes, I'm obsessive compulsive (fortunately it seems everyone else here is too ). I'm looking for some seasoned veteran of many, many blades and styles to say "From your description I think you would be happy with this style of blade and you should consider this one or that one"?