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  1. #1
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Default Here's a shock...another newbie

    Hey there all,

    Just joined here, have been on a few other wet shaving boards for a little while now. Have been DE shaving since quitting the canned goo. Love the prep, love the relaxing nature of it, love reclaiming time in the morning from a chore to something I actively look forward to. Really love the shave.
    Now I want to make the jump to straights. I've been learning as much as I can, and readin more than I probably should about it. Next step is to find a shave-ready razor and start the process. I want to start with something nicer than a "standard" beginner razor, but not as expensive as a shave ready Mastro, TI etc. thoughts/advice always welcome.
    Thank you all, and I look forward to taking part.

  2. #2
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    First, welcome to SRP.

    Two good options for you to conisder. One would be buy a shave ready razor in the classifieds on this site. You will get a good razor at a reasonable price. Most are sold as shave ready (it will be indcated as so in the ad). In addition to buying the razor you will also need a hanging strop. You can find those at a lot of places (inclading the classifieds).

    The other option is to get a starter kit from somone like Kenrup (a member here).

    You get both a razor and a strop. You can losts of things also in the Vendors Corner forum...

  3. #3
    Senior Member JCitron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokelaw1 View Post
    I've been learning as much as I can, and readin more than I probably should about it.
    Blasphemy, you can never read too much about it.

    Welcome, dward has pointed you in a good direction. The classifieds here have razors that range from your standard black scale round points to some very nice blades. I'm sure you'll find something there that fits your desire. To be honest though, sometimes those beginner razors are just as good as the nicer ones.

  4. #4
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    okay so what is a "beginner blade" I bought my first blade last weekend and bought a Thiers-Issard Disposable Blade SR but was not instructed that there was a beginner razor.
    Now i am getting confused

  5. #5
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    There isn't such thing as a beginner razor. A good well honed razor will shave well any beard.
    What people usually refer to with this term is that we advice newcomers to not invest too much into the aesthetics of a razor. Razors can get fairly expensive, and you've already noticed that by purchasing a new thiers issard. Fortunately there are a lot of vintage razors that are very high quality and even if they don't look pretty they'll shave just as well or better than a current production razor.
    The best place for vintage razors is probably the classifieds section, but there are few vendors who also offer such.
    The other recommendation when starting is to get a 5/8-6/8 razor and not one of the larger wedge type ones. This isn't a problem with the current production razors as they are practically all 5/8-6/8 hollows.

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