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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default One month After my first straght shave.

    Hello all,
    It's been almost exactly one month since my birthday, when I got exactly what I had been asking for. My first straght Razor. Granted it is the lowest priced DOVO I could find at 64 bucks a steel. Swedish Steel to be exact. Let me tell everyone, I am never going back to crappy modern razors again. Even this the lowest end of Dovo's line is better than any shave I have gotten before. Granted the first shave took me almost an hour. and I won't lie it wasn't the most comfortable shave ever. I made a lot of common mistakes like putting to much pressure on the blade, bad stropping technique, to many passes in my opinion, and just general bad form. One month later though, I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. I down to about fifteen minutes when I get out of the shower. I still get small cuts about every other shave. but that's getting better too. But the feeling I have after a straight razor shave is kind of unexpressable. The closeness is one thing, but there is almost a feeling of great accomplishment and satisfaction in the entire process words just can't describe. I tell you once you begin to master the basic technique of using a Straight Razor just the feel of that cold steel. is enough to keep me coming back. I'm actually sad when I'm all done and there's nothing left to shave. I look forward to this part of my day more now than I ever could have with a boring cartridge razor. I use to shave maybe 2 times a week. Now I'm upset if I miss a day. Maybe I'm just obsessive but I can't imaginge some of you don't feel the same way. Thank you everyone here at StraightRazorPlace for helping me out with my first questions and for suggesting Lynn Abrams DvD. After watching this DVD, I not only was more confident about trying this, but I also learned a lot about what I'll be looking for in my next Razors. which will be sooner than I thought, when I bought my first one.

  2. #2
    Senior Member AusTexShaver's Avatar
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    [quote=Antgrippi;275952] I'm actually sad when I'm all done and there's nothing left to shave. [quote]

    Nothing left to shave?!?!?! Is your face the only part of your body that has hair?!?!?!

  3. #3
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    Default no but.......

    granted there's plenty more I could shave, but I'm not exactly confident enough in my skills yet. if you know what I mean.

  4. #4
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    Welcome to the world of straight shaving!
    You made much quicker progress at mastering the art of shaving than I did. Congratulations!!!
    Sounds like you are off to a great start... time for the addictions to kick in now.

    Enjoy the journey.

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