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  1. #11
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brianmueller007 View Post
    I am pretty sure I saw the Geneva you are talking about for $75. Is this razor a good size to start with? It looks like some people are recommending a 5/8 to start out. I am definitly looking to buy from a reputable seller.
    6/8 is slightly heavier than 5/8, but I'll very strongly recommend that razor over almost any other 5/8 that I've seen recently. We generally recommend starting with a razor between 5/8 and 6/8, and I believe the Wapienica's are even heavier than this one, and many people have learned with them. One thing I'm sure of - if you take that razor, you won't be disappointed.

  2. #12
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    Well I sent Izlat a PM, but it looks like he already sold that Geneva Razor. Can you recommend another good beginer razor from the classifieds? I think I will feel a bit more comfortable with the tip taken a bit to start with. There are so many different brands and such. Don't know which one's are considered better than another? I appreciate your help!

  3. #13
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Ah, that's a pitty. Just looked quickly and 6/8 Wade & Butcher Full Hollow - Straight Razor Place Classifieds doesn't look bad at all. Many people are big fans of W&B, admittedly I'm not in that category.
    Or if you want a cleaner blade slightly smaller size and you can wait an extra week or so, you can opt for one of the ones that I've listed - not sure how busy Glen is, but I think he generally can get them honed within a week. I don't have the time to hone these, so they are not shave-ready.

    You really can't know which is a better razor unless you try them. Some brands are more popular than others, but part of that is the volume they produced, not just the quality. A lot of people, me included have a fantastic razor, or few from unknown maker.
    Most razors from germany, england, and usa will be very good.

  4. #14
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    I am also a newbie and with the little experience I have I would have to agree with what everyone has already said.

    Buying used razors was definitely the right choice!

    You are bound to eventually do something stupid with your razor. Also, you will have a learning curve with everything that you will need to do with the razor (Example: stropping, eventually honing, etc...). You can buy a Wapi (Wapienica) new or a classifieds razor. I would not buy an ebay razor as your first razor to use.
    Stay away from anything on ebay that is new and very cheap. If time permits post a question on an item and see what people tell you about it. Buying a piece of junk you cannot use for less money doesn't really save you anything.

  5. #15
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    I think one of the best razors to start with that is also inexpensive is a Wapi. Even experienced shavers like these.
    And cheap isn't necessarily bad. Those Double arrows would be an ok option too as long as they are checked out for faults & are shave ready. Better to have your learning curve on a cheapie that shaves well.
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