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My new razor came in the mail today also. A pro - sharpened Dovo 5/8 Imitation mother of pearl. My strop from Tony Miller also arrived today. The first thing I did was watch The World of Straight Razor Shaving DVD that I ordered with the razor.
I have been using a DE for over a year now. After trying several razor blade combinations, I get a very close DE shave with no irritation or cuts. When I started with the DE, I dove in head first and never shaved with a multi-blade since. So thats how I plan to do it with the straight.
The first shave was awkward to say the least. It was not quite as close as a DE, but not a bad experience either. The ATG pass caused a lot of irritation on my lower neck. Overall it was a much better shave than my first DE shave even though the alum block burned a bit more than usual. I attribute this to knowing the grain of my beard from using the DE and reading all the material I could find on this subject before I actually used the straight. I also watched several videos on youtube with guys using the straight.
I have ordered another razor (not pre sharpened) and a few hones. I plan to hone my own razors as needed and felt I should jump right in. With the help of this forum I think I can do it. I would recommend anyone wanting to use a straight to watch World of Straight Razor Shaving DVD.