Cleaning razors:
As a restorer, I have probably cut myself with razors more than most of you, I use a product that the wife got actually for use in the tanning salon industry, this stuff is rated to kill everything and is plastic/acrylic safe so I keep it mixed at double strength and use it as a spray before and after restoration... The first thing I do when I get an old crusty razor, is the 90% alcohol dip, this not only is a sterilizer, but it also loosens a lot of crud off the razor, I use old toothbrushes to clean the whole razor...
Then the Sterilizer spray down, then I leave it to dry...
After that I begin work....

Now much of this process probably is not needed, because the razors have been sitting idle for so long, but when I noticed how well the alcohol cleaned the crud I just started using it as part of the routine...

The sterilizer was added later after the wife really read the label, and said "I dont think this will hurt your razors if you were to use it"