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  1. #1
    Mostly Harmless mlangstr's Avatar
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    Default Shave of the Day for Newbies

    As I'm a newbie and want to share shaving experience with fellow newbs (the good the bad and the ugly)
    I thought it would be a good Idea to start a shave of the day for newbies.

    Think this would be the place for it..

    My shave yesterday was pretty decent..
    I'm getting better at the chin and felt that the right half of my upperlip was BBS! along with the cheeks and neck.. we are getting somewhere..
    I shaved in the evening after taking a shower... I was tired and the shave was pretty relaxing..when I was almost finished I managed to nick myself on the adams apple..but not too bad.

    vergulde hand soap bar
    vergulde hand brush
    dovo shavette with feather blade
    sanex Aftershave Balm
    Last edited by mlangstr; 11-27-2008 at 10:54 AM.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to mlangstr For This Useful Post:

    StraightRazorDave (11-27-2008)

  3. #2
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    I think a "Shave of the Day for Newbies" is an awesome idea. Celebrating the little shaving victories of with the straight razor is a great way to support each other just starting out. I know when I had my first entire face straight shave I felt amazing! But I didn't want to post that in "Shave of the Day" since it wasn't close to the caliber of the shaves that the veterans were getting. Definitely a good sub-forum idea


    P.S. It sounds like you're on the right track with shaving as well, congrats.

  4. #3
    Senior Member flyboy's Avatar
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    Gillette fusion again.

    Can't wait for my stuff to come, the mail is way too slow.

  5. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    There's no reason not to post in the actual shave of the day section. None of us would discriminate against the newbies; it's always nice to see what others are doing.

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to holli4pirating For This Useful Post:

    bpave777 (11-28-2008), sidneykidney (12-02-2008), xman (11-28-2008)

  7. #5
    Qui tacet consentit bpave777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    There's no reason not to post in the actual shave of the day section. None of us would discriminate against the newbies; it's always nice to see what others are doing.
    Thanks Holli, I was going to say the same thing.

  8. #6
    Mostly Harmless mlangstr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    There's no reason not to post in the actual shave of the day section. None of us would discriminate against the newbies; it's always nice to see what others are doing.
    As a newbe I find that I spent most of my straightrazorplace time in the newbies corner..not that I dont dare to post in the SOTD forum.. but just that I like to see and share the progress, problems (and the solutions) and results of fellow newbies..and thats just exactly the info I didnt find there..

  9. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    There's no reason not to post in the actual shave of the day section. None of us would discriminate against the newbies; it's always nice to see what others are doing.

    HUGE +1 here
    Also the SOTD is a great source of info for new guys as well, you get to see what everyone is actually using on a daily basis.....

    And some cool pics as well

  10. #8
    Mostly Harmless mlangstr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    HUGE +1 here
    Also the SOTD is a great source of info for new guys as well, you get to see what everyone is actually using on a daily basis.....

    And some cool pics as well
    Ok .... maybe its better to close this thread then and promote newbies like me to start posting in the SOTD (because I do think a lot of us newbies dont)

    I sure like the pics and I'll make some as well (yeahaaa canon 5D in the bathroom.....splash...ooops )..

  11. #9
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    Well I had good shave about 10days ago with my vintage flea market Swedish steel razor that I restored and honed myself as a total newb using my newly acquired nortons and 12K chinese
    (I'll make apost about it soon, I hope--- came out really nice )

    I was surprised how well I did actualy! That perticular shave was my third shave altogether and I felt SO confident in my work that I did a straight ATG swipes.
    All was well, very smooth, BUT 2 days after the deed, the area below the sides of my motuh was not so happy.
    Needless to say it's been a 10days since my last shave cause it took that long to get rid of a few nasty acne-like inflamations (LOL!)

    Oh did I mention I don't have a strop yet and stroped mine on a rag lined wood, pasted with metal polish paste
    + I have Lynn's DVD but havent watched it yet

    Learning "on your own skin" method at it's finest I must say! LOL!

  12. #10
    Straight Razor Challenged bbsupersport's Avatar
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    I've held back posting on SOTD because to date, I have only tried shaving with a straight once , and it was only my cheeks WTG ( I've been using a DE for about 4 months). The razor dragged a bit. I'm going to strop the hell out of this razor and try again Saturday morning, and if it doesn't shave well I'll send off the razor I am picking up today along with an old Boker Red Injun I have, to be honed and start fresh.

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