Hi again.

Having had moderate success with my DE experience, I'm considering entering the world of straights. My particular conditions affecting selection would include:

1. Extremely thick, tough beard. My current DE choices of either Crystal or Feather still require several passes - including ATG - to get me acceptably smooth.

2. A heavy hand. While in time I may acquire a lighter touch - based on my previous multi-blade experience and current attempts with a DE - I'm definitely pressing the blade into the skin and scraping it along. The lighter touch just doesn't seem to get the job done - but I'm aware this may be a problem with a straight.

3. Did I mention I have a tough beard? I don't know that I have particularly "sensitive" skin - but I do bleed quite a bit on my neck - the rest seems to be fine.

4. I also recently discovered the pleasure of a shaved head - so if a different blade would be appropriate for this I'd appreciate the insight.

There's a bewildering array of choices available - and I don't know which I should choose to get introduced to this concept. Something like a Shavette, which uses a SE or half-DE blade? Go the super-sharp route without needing strops/hones and get a Feather kit? Or something more traditional?