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  1. #1
    Knife Nut
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    Default Hello all of you, questions here

    Well its Christmas time again and the wanting is back, and I have a few questions (go figure). I have been using a dovo shavette but I am starting to realize that it is just too light, I can feel every hair that I am cutting and it causes me to pull a little to hard. Of all the blades that I have used I really really like the feather, the dorko and suprisingly the gilette. With this knowlege at hand I was wondering if anybody had some ideas for a weightier feel (if thats a word) as well as somthing that may have an edge that could be comparable to these types of disposable blades. I do not know if this is possible but any help would be great. I am not sure if I can make all of this happen before christmas but I was hoping that I could get some help with pricing and how much everything would cost for a good starter kit. I need everything save the shaving soaps, I have a vaderhagen brush that I wouldnt mind replacing. I need it all though razor or two, strop, stone ect. Everything for a good shave and good razor mantinence. It doent bother me if its used but some pricing help would help.

  2. #2
    Senior Member KristofferBodvin's Avatar
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    I would say that a 6/8 or wider full hollow would feel heavier and still have a delicate edge.You should look at the classifieds, or some of the vendors that advertice on srp.Good luck!

  3. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Since the straight razors are honed and stropped by hand, the edge and how it feels is a result of all of the following factors combined: steel type, grind, tempering, honing, stropping, shaving technique, and not just the brand of the razor blade as you are used to.
    Razors 6/8 and wider, and/or stiffer grind will likely be heavier than the shavette.
    Pricing depends on many factors - cosmetic condition and desirability of the brand being the top two. As far as brand new razors go, where you eliminate the condition factor you can check the popular vendors for reference - classicshaving, vintageblades, straightrazordesigns to name a few.

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