The barber shop I go to is owned by a woman and has all women barbers. The last time I was in as I walked to the chair I passed by a customer all lathered up in the recline position. I thought to myself, I'm going to see an old fashioned shave here... Imagine my surprise when I saw the barber shaving him with a disposable MachII. I thought why did the guy even bother?... but that's his business. After he left I asked my barber why they bothered to use disposable razors, it didn't seem worth it. She replied that the owner would not allow them to shave customers with straight razors- only the back of the neck. Somewhat jokingly I said, "Why not? She afraid you'll cut someone's throat?" She replied, "Yeah, that's about the size of it." She went on to say that they were trained to shave with straight razors in barber school but her boss would have none of it. Liability I guess.