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Thread: Fromm Razors

  1. #1
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    Default Fromm Razors

    I found a set that contained a Fromm razor that seemed to be a reasonable price. I was curious if Fromm made a good razor like Dovo or other quality brands. Here is the URL to the set.
    Shaving Set - Country Uncle Straight Razor Recommendations?

  2. #2
    Mostly Harmless mlangstr's Avatar
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    Welcome PapaSweet!!
    I cant tell you anything on the quality of the Fromm Razors but I did find this thread for you.

    Good luck!


  3. #3
    Silky Smooth
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    Default Fromm Razors

    Hi PapaSweet,

    I use a Fromm 72R as my every day razor. It shaves well and I like it, but only after I got it sharp. I found that the bevel wasn't coplanar with the spine, more so in the center of the edge than at the tip or heel. It was as if it was honed at the factory freehand, without keeping the spine touching the stone. After some frustration and reading the thread that Maarten mentined I reset the bevel, and then it honed up nicely.

    If you're new to straight shaving, I'd recommend you get one that's been presharpened by a honemeister. However, I should admit that I was too hard-headed to do that, and wanted to brush up on my honing skills anyway.

    Hope this helps,

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaSweet View Post
    I found a set that contained a Fromm razor that seemed to be a reasonable price. I was curious if Fromm made a good razor like Dovo or other quality brands. Here is the URL to the set.
    Shaving Set - Country Uncle Straight Razor Recommendations?
    Last edited by JeffR; 12-13-2008 at 06:53 PM. Reason: more precise description of blade
    de gustibus non est disputandum

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