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  1. #11
    Junior Member brian p's Avatar
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    i remember being anxious about my first shave with the straight as well. i just shaved on my regular schedule. although, i have an uber-heavy beard. so i do it with two days growth, any more and i take it down with my clippers, i leave enough for the visual gratification. if i shaved everyday, my skin wouldn't approve. i suppose it would, but i'm not going to shave each and every day.thats just me.

    if you wait longer, or i guess when you decide to shave anytime, preparation is key. once you get your routine down, it's easy street. for me, personally, it's fun to try new prep things as well. to see what works best. and thats after a billion questions on this forum.


  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I must say I much enjoy shaving after several days, often more than 3 (in the past - lately I can't do this as much because I am at the office more...) I definitely get smoother shaves with more comfort with several days' worth of growth

    Having said this: it *may* be easier with less. Heck, for your first time - if you want to be careful and still have a decent shave with less risk - you can shave with your DE or whatever, then lather up and wipe the foam with the straight razor. This would let you focus on the movement / positioning without having to worry about the actual quality of shaving.

    I did not take this approach for my first straight shave because I wanted to do a *real* shave, no cheating, etc. Cut the cr@p! outa my face and would always cherish the memory Not sorry for the way I went about it at all - but it doesn't mean it's the best for everyone


  3. #13
    Getting better, all the time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat View Post
    I did not take this approach for my first straight shave because I wanted to do a *real* shave, no cheating, etc. Cut the cr@p! outa my face and would always cherish the memory Not sorry for the way I went about it at all - but it doesn't mean it's the best for everyone
    I'm already resigned to the idea that my face will be cut to shreads after my first shave. Even ordered an alum block for just that reason.

  4. #14
    yeehaw. Ben325e's Avatar
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    I'm with GSsixgun on this one. Two to three days makes for the best shaves. More days and the WTG isn't as comfy, Less days and it seems that my whiskers don't get as soft.

  5. #15
    Newbie Str8 Shaver cwrighta70's Avatar
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    Personally, I find 2-3 days best. Not too thick, enough growth to see hair direction, and best of all my sensitive skin has had time to heal.

  6. #16
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Another vote for 2-3 days here. If I can take the entire weekend off, I can get an insanely great shave monday morning if I do my part. (I'm still enough of a newb that I screw it up sometimes!)
    I get such a close and long lasting shave when I do this, though, that I tend to have a rough time shaving every day after that. Going for BBS 3 pass shaves every day is still a little rough on my face. By Wednesday, I might get a decent amount of irritation in the morning.

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