I have been reading the posts on this site for a while now, and today after shaving with an E. Weck & Sons, N.Y. U.S.A. Sextoblade (Christmas present, my face is still on fire) I decided I would post. Thanks for all the great advice and tips. Although they didn’t help with today’s shave, they have gotten me into Straights. I am not a full time straight shaver I have 6 DEs that are in my rotation, 3 straights (a new Dovo, an Old Genco, and a Timor) and the shavette but I don’t know if I will use that after today.

If any one has any advice or tips for using the E. Weck & Sons, N.Y. U.S.A. Sextoblade please let me know. I have Fromm #105 blades in it now, any other blade suggestions?