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  1. #11
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    Based on the thread, I think I just recently had a razor honed by the same person and he did a fantastic job. I am still quite new at this as well, and I definitely still have some scraping when I shave due to improper angles on the blade. Basically, I need to get to know my face, where to pull the skin, what direction to hold the blade etc. I think this stuff is going to take a few months to learn. However, that being said I noticed a HUGE difference between the factory sharpened DOVO and the honed edge. I think now that it is honed I can actually get down to learning how to do this properly.

  2. #12
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xanderhal View Post
    Based on the thread, I think I just recently had a razor honed by the same person and he did a fantastic job. I am still quite new at this as well, and I definitely still have some scraping when I shave due to improper angles on the blade. Basically, I need to get to know my face, where to pull the skin, what direction to hold the blade etc. I think this stuff is going to take a few months to learn. However, that being said I noticed a HUGE difference between the factory sharpened DOVO and the honed edge. I think now that it is honed I can actually get down to learning how to do this properly.
    Yeah, it just takes time and practice. Learning to use a straight correctly is alot like learning to play a musical instrument. It takes time, and you've got to hit a few sour notes along the way. Just hope they're not so sour as to require medical intervention.

    You'll know you're getting there when your straight shave is as close and as comfortable as any shaving method you've used before. You'll know you're *really* getting it when you get the *closest*, *most comfortable* shave you've ever gotten.

  3. #13
    Senior Member rsrick's Avatar
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    My $0.02 (which is about $0.012 USD) ....

    I purchased my first straight from an antique shop and had a member (Chris Moss) offer to hone it for me. When I received it back I attempted to shave with it .... results were horrible. The 'sound' of the razor was odd, the hairs were not popping off, etc. I knew the blade was sharp (very sharp) but was not getting the results that I expected.

    I had posted a first shave synopsis on the forum, mentioned that the shave sounded wierd .... IIRC one of the members told me (something along the lines of) "you don't have enough experience to know what it should or should not sound like" .... and he was absolutely correct.

    There are quite a few variables in play when using a straight (blade angle, facial contours, pressure, speed, length of stroke, stretching the skin, etc) - all of which take time to figure out what works best for you.

    My advise, start with a few easy areas (i.e. cheeks) to get a feel for things. Blame your technique, not the tool. Take it slow .... it will all come together for you.



    ps. any damage done to the edge by the grind wheel sharpening was more than likely undone on the proper hone, otherwise I suspect you would have heard from the member prior to it touching the hone.
    Last edited by rsrick; 01-19-2009 at 07:30 PM.

  4. #14
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    For some advice:

    First moisten your fore arm, lay the razor flat on your arm, lift the spine about two times its own thickness, and try shaving a patch of arm hair. This should be very easy. If not, the razor got dulled at some point, in which case you can best contact the person that honed it. He 'll help you out. Anyone that hones razors knows that newbies on occasion manage to dull their edge during the first shave. Because of that, most honemeisters are prepared to be lenient upon rehoning.

    But I think it's more likely that it will shave arm hair. Somehow, I think you are using a far too high cutting angle. (you spoke about "scraping", which always rings that bell with me ) If the razor passes the arm hair test, you can do exactly the same on a well lathered cheek. (from the sideburn down). If that works too, the rest comes down to shaving technique.

    Good luck,
    Last edited by Bart; 01-19-2009 at 07:54 PM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Default Dovo

    I have posted about this blade although I have not sharpened this person blade. This is what happened I have got blade from member of srp and when I check the blade I couldn't believe my eyes .that edge was horrible and my first question was to owner were you using this blade and shaved?
    We were very helpful to each other and his response was yes.
    After what I saw I said ok I will start all other and put up new bevel and blade is done. it took me less than 5 strokes bevel was ready hmmmmmmmmmmm I got confused said something doesn't look right did turn my question to srp and asked doesn't anyone had similar experience that dovo edge will be similar or worse then zeepk s ---any response I got no one had ever seen this problem hmmmmmmmm-in my 1 hand I was happy and said then I have to work a little more and make razor ready and everything will be fine. in the other hand I still was confused I didn't use anything except natural stones to set bevel on this razor it is kind unusual -Belgian coticle and Escher ???Any ways I start to test shave my arm wow I couldn't believe what I saw edge was breaking down again himmmmmmmmmmwhy??I did same process 3 times and while doing all this I was constantly contact with owner of the blade.

    this is end result I find out owner when bought the blade asked seller some side please sharpen blade before shipping and they did how God knows most likely they used some machines as a result edge has been damaged structurally .Then I thought how I can get this blade ready which owner can use it. This is what I did I added 2 layers of electric tape and put a new edge after that tried test shave now blade was acting a lot better hope you know why it will act different then before = because of the v shape of the edge. I did let the owner to know all this and explained my best to him –he is the owner and needs to know everything about his razor. I did ask him let me know shaving result how blade will act. I still was worry blade will break down fast but I did get response from owner blade was ok. It will take time that blade will act how it should be I think the edge which has been damaged needs to be honed out or use until it will gone. Then that blade should be ok
    Now let me tell why your blade had problem.srp member did put edge and see it is passes all test said ok let me send back. After you got razor as soon as you touched your face all edge was messed up. That is why you got horrible feeling. Mistake has been done buy first hone master used machine not srp member. When they use machine it generate a lot heat and that damages the edge.

    All job has been done in this blade was free help and I am sure owner of the blade come to this thread and prove it.
    i hope this information will help

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to hi_bud_gl For This Useful Post:

    Bart (01-19-2009), BirthdayBoy (01-20-2009), Cornelius (01-19-2009)

  7. #16
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    That's good thinking, Hi_bud_gl.
    If the first sharpening in the knife shop was done on a belt grinder, or on something similar, there's a high probability the temper of the edge got ruined. However if they used a water cooled grinding wheel (such as a Tormek machine) then this would not be the case.
    But is sure is a serious possibility.

    jO3, I believe I'm on the other side of the world, but I also think you deserve a proper start.
    If this thing doesn't work out, I am willing to lend you a shaveready razor out of my personal collection, for as long as you can manage to shave with it. I'll even send it to you for free. All you need to do is pay for your postage when you send it back.
    Maybe someone that lives closer to you is prepared to match my offer, if not just drop me a PM with your address.


  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Bart For This Useful Post:

    Cornelius (01-19-2009), JokiJo (08-28-2009)

  9. #17
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    j03 - how were the very first few strokes when you tried to shave? My limited understanding is that bad steel or a heat-damaged blade can be honed sharp but will only shave a few strokes before the cutting edge crumbles.

    Does anyone know if heat damage ruins the whole blade? Or could sufficient honing/proper regrinding remove the problem area? Maybe retempering?

  10. #18
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    I understand if you don't have a strop a leather belt will work in a pinch.

  11. #19
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    hmm that is an interesting theory, so the steel was retempered by the regrinding...
    i guess if this is the case it still can behave well on the shave test and then crumble.

  12. #20
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    Being a knife guy for many years that is possible if the temps go high enough using an electric grinding wheel.

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