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  1. #1
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    Default Shaving Cream how many shaves per tub?

    This may seem a strange question, but looking at several of the good brands of shaving creams, I was wondering how many shaves a tub would give? (a estimate, of course).

    e.g. Truefitt and Hill 165g (5.8 oz) tub


  2. #2
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    My guess would be several hundred, but it's hard to say since I've
    never finished a tub of cream.

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  3. #3
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    What? You're not supposed to use the whole tub at once?

    Only kidding. My tubs seemed to go down quickly at first, but now I've learned how little you need to use it's hard to tell if the level is going down at all. I too haven't finished any of my 3 tubs or even come close, been using them for 6/7 weeks now.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Are you looking for answers specifically about cream or soaps as well? A tub of TOBS Shave Shop lasted me about three months. I'm working through a tub of Mama Bear's Rosemary and Mint soap and it's looking like that will go twice as long.

    Ask Ron aka Utopian how long a tub of Tabac or any of his other soaps last him. He has a unique method of conserving lather that stretches his usage of soaps and creams to years rather than months. He should describe his method in detail though.

    Chris L
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  5. #5
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    Thanks, I was looking at the different brands and prices. I suppose 2-3 months per tub, thats very good. When looking at some of the more expensive ones, 25-50 Euros each, it seems a lot, but per shave its good value.

    I was thinking about that time, but said I'd ask.


  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I used some sorta educated guessing and some math to come up with this figure which really means absolutely nothing but it sounds cool...

    An almond sized dollop of shave cream required for a shave = a Snurdle
    1 Snurdle = 1/32 oz
    5.8 oz x 32 = 185.6 shaves
    Please keep exact count and let me know how close I was

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think it depends on the particular soap and cream and the size brush and your skill at making lather and how far you want to stretch a session. There could be huge differences from person to person. I wouldn't even try to venture a guess other than to say for me a tub of soap I use lasts for months.
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  8. #8
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I think its around 186, but I have a hard time getting that last shave in. Lately, I've been taking all my tubs that are low and leaving the top open. It takes a day or two to dry out. Once its dry it acts just like a tub with soap at the bottom of it. You can swirl away and get atleast 100 more shaves out of it. I know, its trickery, but it works.

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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11 View Post
    I think its around 186, but I have a hard time getting that last shave in. Lately, I've been taking all my tubs that are low and leaving the top open. It takes a day or two to dry out. Once its dry it acts just like a tub with soap at the bottom of it. You can swirl away and get atleast 100 more shaves out of it. I know, its trickery, but it works.
    Now if you wiped off your razor into the tub, and wrung out your brush into it too, I bet you could get lots more shaves!

  11. #10
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    Thanks guys, some good funny comments too. I've only really started to change my shaving routine in the last 3 months. For the last 20+ years I've just put up with what ever I could grab and looked at shaving as something to be over and done with quickly.

    So I've got 3 straights, some hones and a few DE razors and blades (which I use at the moment), theres so much great info both here and B&B, so I'm gradually making shaving a more enjoyable experience.

    Now its the shaving cream/soap turn, they are a lot better then the artifical fire extinguisher type stuff used upto now.

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