Ok, on second thought...

It's apparent that this is going to require more of a commitment than I would've liked just to find out if this will be something I enjoy. So, I've decided:

A. If I can't find someone local to hone this razor I will be sending it out.
B. I might as well do a complete restoration while picking up all the other items I'm going to need eventually.
C. Even if I spend as much on this razor as I would've on a new one I will like it more because it is old and because it will be more "mine"..
D. Even if I don't like shaving with a straight... I'm sure to enjoy the restoration project.

Ok, with that said here's the plan. I've removed the scales and sanded most of the discoloration off with 320 grit sandpaper. Unfortunately, I broke the other scale in the process so now it will be slightly trickier to trace onto new scale material but I was planning to replace them anyway. I will move up to 400 grit when I get some and it's ready (Still a little more to do with the 320. I've been working on it a few minutes at a time when I'm sick of reading for the moment) then move onto using the brass tumbler method since my dad reloads and has one and I'll be at his house next weekend reloading some .38 and .357 anyway and can check out what polish he uses with it. I'll probably make scales from wood but I haven't decided what kind yet. What do you guys think of teak? Too soft? I haven't decided between peened pins or the microfasteners yet. I like the look of the pins better (the micros seem to stick out further in the pictures I've seen), but the micros seem much easier.

I also have my first tip for the forum... Any guitar players out there know about the extra string that you cut off when you put new strings on the guitar, well the lower strings that are brass wound work great for cleaning the gunk out of the hole in the tang. I just took a piece of an A string and used it like a small, flexible, file. Of course a pipecleaner would be great too, but I didn't have any.

D@#$, my fiance is going to kill me... I can hear it already... WHY do you need ANOTHER hobby???