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  1. #1
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    Default Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel?


    I'm still trying to decide which razor to buy as my first, which is better Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel? I would think stainless steel because it shouldn't rust depending on the carbon content, but also I would think it would be harder to sharpen! I have one more stupid question, I see a lot of razors listed like 5/8 or 6/8 are thy referring to blade size? if so 6/8 should be 3/4" correct, just wondering.


  2. #2
    Senior Member 0o.Mark.o0's Avatar
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    Carbon. Just take care of it (i.e. don't let water sit on it for more than a couple minutes). Do a couple searches in the newbie corner and in the razor section.

    Either 5/8s or 6/8s would be a good size.

    No matter what, carbon or stainless, 5/8s or 6/8s get it sharpened and expect a slow learning curve before you can get back to DE or saftey razor quality shaves consistently.

    And, welcome to SRP.


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  4. #3
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    Yes, 5/8 would be the blade width, in 1/8 inches, from the spine to the sharp edge. 5/8 is far and away the most common/popular size. Carbon steel won't rust instantly. Depends on where you live too (humidity). I live out here in Silicon Valley which is actually a desert. Nothing rusts. Just wipe it off when you're done. If you really want to be meticulous wipe it with some light oil (mineral, wd40, whatever) before putting it up. Very thin coat -- wipe off before stropping.

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  6. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Don't worry about razor materials. Just get what you like they all give great shaves. The stainless will take a tad more time to hone however it should last longer between honing. True the stainless will be less likely to rust but if you take care of the razor rust should not be an issue anyway.
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  7. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    +1 with the Spendur
    Get the one you like the most, just make sure is is truly "Shave Ready" you have to pay extra for that one way or another... Factory stated "Shave Ready" is not, it has to be honed by hand...

    Also it is really Stain-Less...... 2 words
    The only razor I have ever had a rust spot on was a SS razor, go figure...

  8. #6
    JAS eTea, LLC netsurfr's Avatar
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    The only razor I have ever had a rust spot on was a SS razor, go figure...[/QUOTE]

    +1 on going with what you like.

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