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Thread: Wipe or rinse?

  1. #21
    Senior Member JCitron's Avatar
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    It seems like there is some confusion as to whether he was referring to post shave or during the shave. I think he meant during but I'll hit both to be safe.

    During the shave I give it a swish in the sink, always spine down so that I don't tap the bottom with the edge. I've never come near the faucet so it's not a worry of mine. Then I wipe the water off with a towel and continue destroying my facial hair.

    After the shave I rinse the blade under hot running water, wipe it dry on a towel, do a couple small laps on the heel of my palm to make sure the water is gone from the edge, set it down while I finish up, and finally do about 20 or so laps on the leather.

    Sometimes when I go crazy I'll oil all my blades but for the most part I don't. The bathroom I use is the guest bathroom so moisture from the shower is never an issue.

  2. #22
    Member topcattcw's Avatar
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    rinse ... then later .. cold water rinse.

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