Quote Originally Posted by bman40 View Post
I had the best shave yet today with the Dovo I bought from SRD.

I lightly stropped - maybe 15 laps on the the Tony Miller latigo strop and went to town.

My wife still shakes her head at me, and gives me NO sympathy for the small nicks I've had to date, but I'l tell you, THIS FELS GREAT!!! I can't believe I didn't take this up years ago!

the shave is close (other than my chin, which I am working on) and a spot under one nostril that I keep missing, and I get less irritation than with my various DE razors.

The probkem spot I have is the 'point' of my chin - the razor seems to tug a bit - I am working on the angle, and trying to push through the stubble, rather than pull the razor.

Also, long strokes or short? I find myself doign little, choppy strokes - is that a 'standard' way to do this? I know there is n o hard and fast rules - other than dont move the razor horizontally - Ifoudn that one out already.... but any advice woud be welcome.

Thanks to all here for the tips and stickies - its got this journey off to a smooth start.

As a fellow newbie, i have found that short strokes are easier for me.

But yeah, i just happened by chance to start talking to someone about DE razors on a totally unrelated topic a few months ago. Not sure how he worked it in. But ever since then(dec.) i have been shaving DE.

Then once i started reading more about Straight razor shaving on the boards it peaked my interest. Then there was a great starter set posted for sale and the de has been lonely ever since.