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Thread: Strops

  1. #1
    Ramblin' Man brockd's Avatar
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    Default Strops

    So I'm a student on a budget, and I have yet to buy a strop. Seeing as these items are rather pricey, what is the general consensus on making one?
    I've seen some how-to's and they don't look terribly difficult to make. They are also made nice and cheap.
    What do you think?

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If your pretty handy with leather you can try. The idea is to get a nice supple and smooth piece of leather without any wrinkles or fat marks and then some hardware to hang it on and a handle if that's what you want. personally for about $30 or so you can get a basic new one or for alot less you can get a vintage in good shape off Eboy.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member kahunamoose's Avatar
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    I’ve got a couple home grown specials. Last one was under $4 for leather scrap, $10 for the horse saddle “Dee” rings used for handles. All parts from Tandy Leather which is local to me. I stitch them by hand because I like the look and the price is right up my alley. As far as I can tell they function fine, my only reservation is that I have never had my hands on the real McCoy to know what genuine feels like.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Soilarch's Avatar
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    Never had my hands on the "real mckoy" either since I made my own.

    I wanted some loaded strops to this was still a great buy for me.

    I went to a store that sold horse equipment (TSC, Rural King, Oerschelyns, some "CO-OPS" as they're called around here) and got a cinch strap for $18.

    I made three strops out of that cinch strap. Didn't worry about making D-Ring loops or handles. On end of it could be manipulated into loop (You'll just have to look at it see it) and the other 2 had holes already punched in them like the end of a belt. I just ran some paracord (rope) through them so they'd hang on nails/hooks/doorknob/handles.

    If the leather seems a little too rough or wrinkly get some 200grit sandpaper and go to town on it, Then oil it down and you're good to go. DON'T DO WHAT I DID AT FIRST and try to "soften" the leather by rolling it. That's what got all those wrinkles in that needed sanded out. After I sanded it though it was smoother than when it started. Seemed a little softer with "draw" than the other two as well.

    P.S. Student on a budget as well. I just made a tumbler out of a orbital sander and tupperware tonight. It's going as we speak with rice instead of "walnut media" lol.

  5. #5
    Senior Member kahunamoose's Avatar
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    These are my home made strops.
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