Part of my reason to get into straight razor shaving, aside from the thrill of cheating death every morning, was my shave experiences in India.

I went for month backpacking around and had various locals shave me, where ever I happened to be. The best shave of my life was by a kid who looked no older than 14, maybe younger. I don't even think he was shaving himself yet. It was the smoothest most refreshing shave of my life. Right then I knew that's what I wanted. I was in a small town and there was a birthday celebration and a parade of people moving along the main road through town. There were some deafening fireworks going off. Definetely no regulations there!! You know, the ones you feel in your chest?

Yeah I wanted to tell him to wait maybe, but turns out he didn't understand English much. The kid was the son of the owner of the shop and probably had been shaving people since he could hold the razor. He had the razor to my face during these mini mortar rounds going off 30 ft from the door and he never flinched once!

That sealed the deal. I've wanted to learn since then. I got a picture of him and I, I'll post it tonight.