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  1. #1
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Default Dropped the straight and took a nice divot out of my finger tonight..

    Yeah... so... I have really been trying to focus on my stropping with the problems i have been having lately.

    well... i was having trouble getting the strop to stay on the damn door knob, so i moved it to a different spot in a bathroom.

    Well this was a little tighter and i bumped my arm and dropped it At first glance it looks o.k., but i doubt it. i dried it, oiled it, and threw it in its case.

    So... i grab my "trusty" De and go to work. Well i'm doing some clean up, feeling with my left hand razor in my right. I lower my left hand and catch the razor.

    I must have hit it at a weird angle because it basically tore the skin and took a divot.

    Took long time to stop bleeding and needed to break down and wake up the Girlfriend to help

    That is what i get for changing my routine and shaving at night instead of the morning.

    So.. here i sit trying to type with a big wad of gauze wrapped around my finger....will be fun. need to come up with a good story for work.

    /I think i would have been better off cutting my finger with the straight would have been a clean cut at least.

    Didnt get around to take a picture of it before the bandage because it wouldnt stop bleeding and all.... here is what i'm dealing with now....
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    Last edited by Slartibartfast; 02-20-2009 at 05:05 AM.

  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Well it happens sooner or later to everybody. You'll be alright, probably the razor as well, but it'll likely need to be rehoned.

  3. #3
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    oh man, I feel your pain... I did this little number a while back when I slipped while sanding a blade (the dull blade cut pretty well). Now my thumb has a smiley scar
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  4. #4
    Newbie for life! jmueller8's Avatar
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    LOL! Oh that sucks! I'm still getting used to stopping with mine but what I did to mount mine to the counter without ruining it may be of interest.

    I used 3/4 in galvanized hanger strap. Both Lowes and Homedepot have it and it's very inexpensive and a 3/16 In. Stainless Steel Screw Pin Anchor Shackle. Just cut the hanger strap to about 6 inches and loop it over the shackle and then lift cour counter just a bit to slide it inbetween the counter and the cabinet, then fasten it with a screw on the underand behind the cabinet door.

    Hope it helps!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Del1r1um View Post
    oh man, I feel your pain... I did this little number a while back when I slipped while sanding a blade (the dull blade cut pretty well). Now my thumb has a smiley scar
    Oh man... you didn't paint eyeballs and a little nose on your thumb?

    (sorry, sorry, that wasn't very nice but I just couldn't help myself )

  6. #6
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Thanks for the kind words I wish this was just a normal cut and not a gouge out of my finger. have a feeling its going to take a while for this one to heal up. not sure the best way to wrap/cover it.

    I almost went to urgent care last night because the damn thing would stop bleeding, but i hate hospitals and would hate to be taking up there time when someone with a real emergency came in.
    Last edited by Slartibartfast; 02-20-2009 at 11:56 AM.

  7. #7
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Superglue works great for stuff like that, just be sure to glue it with your thumb EXTENDED or it will just tear open as you move.

    If you want to use a similar product, but less effective and more expensive, try New Skin.

  8. #8
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    Just goes to show that those DEs (aka safety razors) are dangerous

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
    Superglue works great for stuff like that, just be sure to glue it with your thumb EXTENDED or it will just tear open as you move.

    If you want to use a similar product, but less effective and more expensive, try New Skin.
    You can put superglue in an open wound? I would have thought that is a bad idea to do. I mean I'm no doctor and have no reason to think that other than it just sounds like a bad idea. But does seem like it would do the trick to stop the bleeding. Does it still allow the cut to get the air it needs to heal properly though?

    I definitely caught my finger on the edge of my DE with a feather blade on it the other day. Took a little chunk out. A little styptic nick relief and I was good to go.

  10. #10
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
    Superglue works great for stuff like that, just be sure to glue it with your thumb EXTENDED or it will just tear open as you move.

    If you want to use a similar product, but less effective and more expensive, try New Skin.
    i was going to do that but the opening was too big to actually close back up.

    This is what it looked like this morning when i changed the bandage(which sucked, the wound was "stuck" to the gauze)
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