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02-21-2009, 10:32 PM #1
my "when harry meet sally moment"
we'll i read and took note , came home tonight after 12 hours of overtime , hot bath used some stubble soft'ner and some shave oil , made a lather so creamy you could ice a cake with it, stropped my wapi for about 100 passes dead slow making sure i was light and that every pass was the same and correct , then blade to face ,placed it at alot smaller angle , then a good positive down ward stroke.........................nice clean sound no tuging!!!!! right cheek the same ,ok now the left cheek and side burn , bit more difficult , but the same result . don't get to gidy shaved rest off with my DE . Alum block out , wet and placed on cheeks and sideburns stinging , rest of face a little from my DE!!!! dry face ,balm and a BBS cheeks allnight no shave burn nor nicks , wife likes it great but then 20 strops to finish then on last strop i catch the leather end holding the D bar
now my new wapi that second time round gave me the best shave every (only on cheeks mind ) has a small oh every so small slight bend in the edge , like if you hold it up to the light you can see it , so back in box wrapped up and will be posted back to steve at invisable edge for a touch up
dam blast ham fisted sod , bloody hell you idiot got to excited ugh great .................................................. .......................but that first shave on the cheeks and sideburns
thank you again everyone for the help and advice "we can only build on the foundations that we lay" you are all gem's of info and help.
and to any one who has just joined and whos first shave was painful and you are thinging what was all the fuss about ill say this"Shave ready , Strop slowly and well, prep and a good lather , angle , no pressure and short but postive strokes. and aftershave balm , listen to what your alum block is saying razor burn = to much or wrong angle , nicks to much pressure and last of all LISTEN TO THE MEMBERS ON SRP because they know there s*^t.
ta again everyone , now weres my credit card need a new str8 while this one gets honed!!!!!
02-21-2009, 10:43 PM #2
Dude, that sucks. I feel your pain. I recently bought a Wapi too and I just started using it this week. On my SECOND shave also, I nicked the faucet in the sink with the blade facing upward.
It's hard to see, but I have a tiny half circle chip missing from the blade up where the round tip is. Thank god it wasn't down further on the blade! I am now waiting for another razor to come Shave ready later in the week so I can send this one back to Ken at Ruprazor.
02-22-2009, 04:29 AM #3
Congrats! You "see" now how it goes. Keep at it. There will be good days and bad, like anything else.
02-22-2009, 07:41 AM #4
Congrats on your great shave moment!.. though this one was short before you know it you catch yourself touching your face all day...
It good to have a second razor though for these kinds of moments... I have my shavette for these kinds of mishaps..