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  1. #21
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    Pink lather gives superior lubrication! I've only had 1 big cut, during an early shave, but it wasn't a real bleeder and healed quickly.

    I suspect it actually becomes harder to cut yourself over time. Maybe a layer of dead skin cells is easy to dig into and cause a cut, but fresh, exfoliated skin is able to flex around the blade edge without being pierced.

  2. #22
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    I assume you know how to ride a bike. Did you ever fall off when you were learning to ride a bike? Once the scabs healed did you get back on the bike?
    Its the same with a straight. Once the wounds have healed give it another try.
    Just don't tell the wife you intend to continue until you have some good results.

  3. #23
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    I'm sort of new to this also .. the first 5 tries were a little shaky - got better each time .. now I got to the point where I am getting great shaves - I had three BBS shaves in a row with not even an nick or a weeper.. so,this morning... maybe I got a little over confident and didn't take my time around my mouth area .. tzzzzt ! ... bled a little - but I kept on shaving .. the rest of the shave was just fine..

    My advice ... move past the cut - just take your blade and shave ... . hear the blade cutting the whiskers... smell the soap/cream... feel the metal glide over your stretched skin.. just shave .. just shave ..!

  4. #24
    Senior Member claytor's Avatar
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    Don't give up! Granted, the razor might have one the first fight but once you read up some more and take it slowly you'll learn to love the process. I would suggest reading the aforementioned wiki. It also sounded like you were putting a lot of pressure (since you sliced through your cheek). Light firm touch with short strokes.

  5. #25
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    nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo!!!!!!! dont do it , ive been str8 shaving for a week now and last night i started to come lovly, no nicks no blood and only a small amount of burn , but the shave was ace . so keep at it and tame that blade

  6. #26
    zib is offline
    Hell Razor zib's Avatar
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    WoW, You got lots of support from the guys here, You can't throw in the towel now...You know, I felt the same way at first, thinking, My God, All this money I spent, but honestly, It'll get better, You'll get better. Be patient and take your time. Go slow, be aware of the angle of the blade. Make sure it's honed properly, Don't force the blade....Are you in Florida, by chance, When you talked about the Shark, I'm a Diver.....If you need help or anything, feel free to PM me. Rich

  7. #27
    Senior Member Mike257's Avatar
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    I have only shaved with a straight 5 times now, I have yet to even nick myself, its getting easier each time and shaves are getting better. For me I need to be concious that Im getting more confident and that is when Im going to get cut, so I slow down and refocus on what Im doing, if something does not feel right or I see myself in the mirror in an awkard position I stop, I stop re focus maybe brush a little more soap on my face and I start over again. I go slow , I take notice of my blade angle, I take short strokes but lately strokes seem to be getting longer. I complete one cheak at a time, I work slow then the other cheak. I do my entire face then I re lather and do it all over again. The second time around gets easier. You have to take your time , Face prep is most important here, I tried shaving without prep and it doesnt work, I also tried shaving without stropping and that doesnt work either. You do not need to force these razors or apply a lot of pressure, remember work slow, short strokes, Face prep, These are just a few things that work for me. Like I said Im very new at this and certainly no expert but I dont wanto to kill myself trying to shave so I work slow and I stay focused on what Im doing. Dont shave if your tired , in a hurry or drunk, I have already experimented with these things and they dont work.

  8. #28
    Member tdgrunt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rajagra View Post
    You learn very quickly during the first few shaves with a straight. You start with practically zero relevant skill, but almost immediately you develop muscle memory that helps you make safe confident strokes. Soon you have forgotten those early, nervous steps. Then one day as you are nonchalantly swiping the blade over your face you ask yourself: "Wait, how the hell am I doing all this WITHOUT cutting myself?"

    The situation really is reversed completely. Your assumption (and fact) becomes that you can shave without serious injury.

    Trust me, the fear of the blade fades quickly. You just need to remind yourself to respect it.

    Don't give up!
    +1 to Rajagra. Keep in mind that practice doesn't make perfect - perfect practice makes perfect. You will get a true feel for it. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!

  9. #29
    Senior Member jleeg's Avatar
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    Default The Sun Came Up....By God, its a new Day!!!!!!1

    Loaded with an unbelievalbe dose of "I-can-do-it" and the backing of my brethren of the blade (dare I include myself yet....yes, damnit, yes indeed) I raced to the street before the trashmen arrived...dunked in the can from head to waist....there, my strop, the glint...yes, my straight razor, soaps, scuttle, brushes.

    Arms loaded, not nearly so much as with the confidence I now carry, I returned. No, I'm not shaving yet. Gotta once again watch Lynn shave on that dvd I bought. Ok, a few practice runs with the blade a few inches from my face.....

    But first, I'm writing the musical. Cant use the "sun will come up tomorrow" but along that vein. Nicky Arnheim nicky arnheim....and a huge finalee....soap, mugs.........

    Ah, damn...ear fell off yet again....hon where's the superglue?

    Thanks to you all. I will survive. I'll even tell you all about it.


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