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Thread: first shaves

  1. #1
    GG1 is offline
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    Default first shaves

    I didn't have time to tell all about my first shave so I'll tell about my first two.

    I purchased my first straight, a Wapi from KenRup.

    I took Lynn's advice about starting with just the cheek area, two passes, the rest with my slant.

    I know that one should have only one variable at a time but I used Truefitt & Hill samples because I wanted to try them to see if I wanted to take advantage of a sale they have until the 28th. (a good deal by the way if you're looking for T&H cream and aftershave balm)
    I also used a makeshift scuttle I heard people rave about.
    Needless to say I didn't have a great lather, I should've gone with what I'm used to.

    All of this to say that I did have some pulling on the 1st pass but the 2nd was better. I'm sure most of it was due to the not so slick lather but we'll see when I use something I'm more used to and get a proper lather if it was more that or/and my stropping.

    For those of you that came from DEs, do you use multiple passes with a straight the same as you do with a DE? On Lynn's video he seems to not need it so much. With a DE I usually need 3 passes with some touch ups.

  2. #2
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, and congrats on your first shave! I didn't
    spend too much time with a DE before coming to straights,
    but I do two passes (mostly WTG/XTG) with both.

    - Scott

  3. #3
    Oso is offline
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    I can only speak from my own experience. I jumped into straight razors right from disposables and no clue about how to shave properly. After lots of research, watching videos and several years of shaving with a straight I am happy with my routine. I go WTG and ATG and maybe a couple of touch ups around the chin and I am good to go.

    It is difficult to give anyone a good prescription for the best shave because we all have different skin types, different whisker growth, different equipment and different maintenance programs.

    You are definitely going about it the right way by starting slow and thinking about variables. Keep your expectations realistic and it will get better as your skill increases.

    Welcome to SRP.
    Last edited by Oso; 02-27-2009 at 05:15 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dr_Phong's Avatar
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    Congrats! My advice: Shave, shave alot for a long time. Don't worry about doing it right, as long as you don't filet your cheeks off. On my first shave I thought the razor would glide across my face with ease. It doesn't, unless you have peach fuzz for whiskers. I think the angle of your razor against your skin is more important than what shave cream you use, or even how sharp the razor is. Einstein experimented with what made the best shaving soap and found that water worked as well as anything else.

    Try every product you can get your hands on and as many razors as you can afford. You'll find the perfect combination for you. For me, this what makes straight razor shaving so enjoyable.

  5. #5
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Phong View Post
    Congrats! My advice: Shave, shave alot for a long time. Don't worry about doing it right, as long as you don't filet your cheeks off. On my first shave I thought the razor would glide across my face with ease. It doesn't, unless you have peach fuzz for whiskers. I think the angle of your razor against your skin is more important than what shave cream you use, or even how sharp the razor is. Einstein experimented with what made the best shaving soap and found that water worked as well as anything else.

    Try every product you can get your hands on and as many razors as you can afford. You'll find the perfect combination for you. For me, this what makes straight razor shaving so enjoyable.

    Well said Dr Phong and good to see you back on the forum!

    Shave shave and shave some more... normally i use 3 passes and a little touch up... but some days a single pass is sufficient.

    the T&H is great stuff used it for years on end... but they used to sell the alcohol aftershave splash which is much nicer than the balm in warm months.
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  6. #6
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by syslight View Post
    but they used to sell the alcohol aftershave splash which is much nicer than the balm in warm months.
    and i'd say in cold months too! wait, i think i'm thinking of the alternative use nevermind

  7. #7
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    three passes with my straight. More with my DE: WTG, XTG, ATG, Touch up blade buffering.

  8. #8
    GG1 is offline
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    Thanks a lot guys for all the advice.
    I'm glad to have found a way to make shaving so much more enjoyable, and with better results.
    As for the comments to keep shaving, a lot, I do actually look forward to it now. That started when I started with a DE but even more now that I've gone straight LOL
    Last edited by GG1; 02-27-2009 at 11:38 PM.

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