Quote Originally Posted by Alraz View Post
Rather than rationalizing the process, I would focus on getting comfortable shaving and letting these variables take care of themselves. You already know the role of each in shaving based on your description of the process. One thing to help the process is to keep expectations on the low side. It is hard to get excellent shaves with a straight after only a few tries and in some cases, after many. Try incremental shaving (start shaving the easy parts of your face first and later expand as confidence builds) to avoid disappointment from poor results. Keep your chin up and keep shaving.

Al raz.
Well put. I'm having all these "common newbie experiences" yet I am enjoying the process. My expections are low in that I know it will take time to master the technique but every shave I learn something new and every shave is a pleasure. I've only been at it 4 months now but it has changed my morning shave from what I do to before I leave the house to how I have time to myself, work towards mastering a skill, and, and, and I don't know... Its just alot of fun and my mornings are a lot less stressful.