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Thread: Shaving Prep

  1. #11
    Senior Member jleeg's Avatar
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    Default What helped me

    I was wet shaving for 20+ years (never considered adding a SR) and was mostly in the dark. I got good lathers with a good brush...mostly warm for at least 1 pass. Several changes took me to lather heaven:

    videos found here and Badger & Blade site: I learned that after wetting the brush...get rid of the excess water. Seemed wrong to me, but I followed. Whether using soap (having wet the surface with extremely hot water) or worked. Learned to build the lather adding water a little at a time. Mostly I learned that great lather could be I kept fooling around till I could produce admirably. Wouldnt have guessed it could be done without the tutelage and visual evidence offered in these videos. Not everything I learned translated to better lather for me (e.g. soaking the brush...seems ok just to get it wet/ hot once, but then again I use a scuttle) but try all the suggestions.

    Scuttle. I love hot lather. I have a Dirty Bird scuttle and find it perfect for me. I cant use my jumbo brush in it, but a BK4, or Simpson chubby 1 really do nicely. I fill the scuttle with boiling water..having bought some plastic water heater from Target for $10. Add hot water to the upper bowl, a little at a time as needed, and work up a super lather...4, 5, and more passes of HOT lather if I want. Others, the creme de la creme of sr shavors, seem to be quite happy with bowls that transfer heat (metals) or hold heat for long periods (ceramics), or simply building lather on the face. Anyway you do it, build the lather.

    Product....soaps and creams. I never used Tabac untill I read about it here. I've tried other soaps..L'Occitane, Taylors, AOS (I thiink it was their brand), etc. that havent worked as well for me. There are no doubt other good soaps, but getting one that really works for you makes a difference. Same with creams...find one and learn the amount you need. I used to make lather on my face....having the bowl (in my case, scuttle) really helps bring out the best from my soap and creams.

    Anyway, I really love the morning ritual of making and applying hot lather. Good luck.


  2. #12
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    The proper way is what ever works best for you. The basic options are:

    Build lather in bowl, mug or scuttle and transfer to your face.
    Build the lather directly on your face.

    Both have their proponents and detractors, but there is really no right or wrong, just what works for you. Try both and then decide.

  3. #13
    membres supérieurs cessnabird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erictski View Post
    Is Lynns video the same as what you can see on line on youtube.
    The one I'm talking about is by "mantic59". He made quite a few educational videos and posted them on you tube.

  4. #14
    Junior Member jventurini's Avatar
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    Hey all,

    Truly appreciate all the help and advice. My thanks to all of you. I just got my first SR in the mail today and am planning on shaving either tonight or tomorrow. Will let everyone know how it goes. I've been practicing making lather before I got the razor and thanks to all your help think I have a pretty good one going. Thanks again guys.

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