So.. i woke up early today.. before duty, tons on my mind. So slowly i walked up stairs and knew that today would be day 1 of SR shaving. so.. i took my recently recieved razor and stropped 30 times (man.. this is much harder then i thought it would be.. i think the practice strop makes it more difficult too!) and proceeded to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand.


ok.. so its not my best shave ever.. but i didnt cut my self.. and i didnt touch up my shave either.. Im a Military officer and going on watch for the day.. and .. i did a good enough job to not touch up.. i was pretty happy! I think i got a little burn here and there from bad form.. and going over the same area a few times.. but over all. i cant complain.

I had a couple questions though.

I got the razor "shave ready" on a trade... i did feel the blade "stall" into my cheek a couple times.. and i didnt get cut.. i thought it would have...i was able to cut pretty easilly but sometimes the hair did pull a bit... am i sharp enough you think? much of the blade are you using? seems like i used the center inch mostly.. with fine work around mouth and nose being done with the tip.

Anyway.. im hooked.. i wish i had it here with me at the base for tomorrow morning.. he he he.. guess i will have to get a few more!