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Thread: First SR shave

  1. #1
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    Default First SR shave

    So.. i woke up early today.. before duty, tons on my mind. So slowly i walked up stairs and knew that today would be day 1 of SR shaving. so.. i took my recently recieved razor and stropped 30 times (man.. this is much harder then i thought it would be.. i think the practice strop makes it more difficult too!) and proceeded to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand.


    ok.. so its not my best shave ever.. but i didnt cut my self.. and i didnt touch up my shave either.. Im a Military officer and going on watch for the day.. and .. i did a good enough job to not touch up.. i was pretty happy! I think i got a little burn here and there from bad form.. and going over the same area a few times.. but over all. i cant complain.

    I had a couple questions though.

    I got the razor "shave ready" on a trade... i did feel the blade "stall" into my cheek a couple times.. and i didnt get cut.. i thought it would have...i was able to cut pretty easilly but sometimes the hair did pull a bit... am i sharp enough you think? much of the blade are you using? seems like i used the center inch mostly.. with fine work around mouth and nose being done with the tip.

    Anyway.. im hooked.. i wish i had it here with me at the base for tomorrow morning.. he he he.. guess i will have to get a few more!

  2. #2
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    The stalling as well as any pulling or tugging was more than likely due to improper technique, get a few more shaves in before you pass any judgement on the blade.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mike257's Avatar
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    Neflhiem first Welcome to the forum, Thank you for your service and Congrats on your first shave.

    I to am new at this with only 20 straight shave to my name, My first was terrible, felt like the hairs were tearing out of my face, I thought this sucks. My second wasnt any better. By the third and forth time it started to get easier, I was preping my face better,I was shaving after a shower, I was making better lather with real shave soap and not canned stuff. My angles were better and I could feel the razor slicing through my beard. I started shaving more often when my beard wasnt so heavy just to get tecnique down. Everytime I shave now I think its the best one ever untill I shave again and it's even better than the time before. I have yet to even nick myself , but Im now aware that I have become more confident with the razor and I think now is when I need to be carefull. Your shaves will get easier and better.

  4. #4
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    welcome to srp - looks like you're doing pretty good - the sign is you're hooked

  5. #5
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    If your shaves get better as you learn the angles(of the razor and your face)you're on the right track.However,if they get worse,you might have to send the razor to a honemeister for a real good professionally done,edge.

  6. #6
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    +1 on technique if your angles are a little off it will pull hair and be a little uncomfortable. It will also take a few shaves for your face to get used to the new razor. As far as how much of the blade you use depends on your face I don't have but like one or 2 places on my face that will accommodate the whole blade so how much you use probably depends on your face. Oh welcome to SRP and your new addiction I hope you enjoy, and look out for RAD it will consume you

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    The stalling as well as any pulling or tugging was more than likely due to improper technique, get a few more shaves in before you pass any judgement on the blade.

    Yeah i wastn trying to pass any judgement.. just checking, and thats what i figured.. thanks..

    I know all about RAD from DE's, been in that for a year now.. so now my RAD is just going to change form..LOL..

    thanks for the input all and warm welcome!

  8. #8
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    Hi there.
    Well done on your first! It sounds like a very good introduction.
    Try working some hair conditioner into the stubble & leave it there while you build your lather. It softens the bristles a treat & may help with the stalling. Proper stretching helps too. I used a DE before a straight, but it was only when learning to use the straight that i realised it's pretty much essential for a good shave.
    Everybody has their own technique & the area of the blade used by the individual varies. Most seem to use different parts of the blade depending on which part of the face they're tackling.
    Glad you enjoyed it!

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