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  1. #1
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    Default Newbie w/beard: Straight razor just for my neck?

    First, I'd like to formally thank you fine gentleman for a classy website, a kind community spirit, rampant generosity of time and shared skills and an overall welcoming feeling. You are all a credit to the human race. I find myself urged more quickly to the straight razor just to earn my seat at this Council.

    QUESTION: Because I wear a carved out beard, I only shave my cheeks and neck. Does it really make sense to learn to use a straight razor when I do not shave my full face? I know that when I do get a straight I'm likely to want to shave it all off to learn the full shave, but I'm not shaving my beard off any time soon so it's neck and cheeks only at least until Independence Day, or longer, when I might carve down to a circle beard (goatee and stache).

    Your thoughts? It seems the neck would be the toughest region to learn on is why I'm asking.

  2. #2
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    I wear the same type of beard. oh, and welcome to SRP. using a straight is waaaaaay more accurate than using well, anything. the days i go to work. go WTG, ATG on cheeks and neck and then XTG on my cheeks. i would suggest a straight with a point, not a curved end. it's a little easier to work around the jaw pivot point.

  3. #3
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    If you want to learn a straight, learn. Why not?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightEagle View Post
    Your thoughts? It seems the neck would be the toughest region to learn on is why I'm asking.
    Not really, the chin and top lip are trickiest for most at first. It's an excellent idea to learn on the other areas and master them first.

    The neck is moderately easy to start on, but the toughest to master, at least in my experience. After about 3 months I still can't get a perfect baby smooth neck. It's perfectly acceptable, it looks fine, but if I feel hard enough I can find micro-stubble in that "crease."

  5. #5
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    I grew a goat-T when I started with a straight just so I wouldn't have to deal with the chin untill I have more expereance. Read up get a good shave ready razer and go to town. You will be glad you did.

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    Default Thank you for your thoughts and input.

    Quote Originally Posted by kljr View Post
    I wear the same type of beard. oh, and welcome to SRP. using a straight is waaaaaay more accurate than using well, anything.
    The "accuracy issue" is what sent me on a journey that ended here on this website. The POS Gillette Fusion's single blade is still way too inaccurate and I keep messing up the lines. You can't see the blade where it touches the skin so you have to guess -- not helpful when trying to keep a tight line, at all.

    I did buy Merkur's moustache razor to give it a shot at the lines. But I already know I'm destined to turn to a straight and never look back. Did you learn on your neck, or your whole face and then later grew your beard out?

    Quote Originally Posted by kljr View Post
    i would suggest a straight with a point, not a curved end. it's a little easier to work around the jaw pivot point.
    I'll consider that, but being a newbie, I'm inclined to learn on something a little more forgiving and move to a point once I'm up to speed. I can already see that one day I will need a display case. I'm already addicted to getting more blades and have yet to buy my first one. That alone makes me nervous about getting into this new sport!

  7. #7
    Senior Member rastewart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightEagle View Post
    I'm already addicted to getting more blades and have yet to buy my first one. That alone makes me nervous about getting into this new sport!
    It's too late. Resign yourself and enjoy.


  8. #8
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    there are some who think that the spike points are intimidating but they really aren't. as with any straight you need to be careful.

    i think starting the SR journey with a beard like yours is probably the best way to go really. i know that when i first started it was way too tempting to try to do a full shave when i wasn't ready for that. you can't. the neck isn't too bad, but like Rajagra, for me it is still hard to master. stretching the skin and keeping it warm is a key for me. so consider yourself lucky you don't have to go at your chin right away.

  9. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I wear a light beard year round in fact it was growing the beard back in 1981 that started me on straight razors thanks to my barber back then...
    "Want straight beard lines, use a straight edge" I believe I remember his words correctly..
    I strayed away from them for awhile in the late 90's then came back to them about 3 years ago now I couldn't take the shaving irritation any longer... I was down to shaving only when absolutely necessary with a single blade disposable when I finally went and found my old strop and started hunting razors down

    Try it, you will actually enjoy shaving again...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightEagle View Post
    I did buy Merkur's moustache razor to give it a shot at the lines. But I already know I'm destined to turn to a straight and never look back. Did you learn on your neck, or your whole face and then later grew your beard out?

    i learned everything except chin. then drew a line on my face after applying the soap. where there's no soap, my razor doesn't venture

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