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Thread: Newbie here...

  1. #1
    DE user MrGentleman's Avatar
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    Default Newbie here...


    I've bought one Dovo 42 Fritz Bracht (I think it is 4/8'')... My other 5/8'' is on its way, but there is something I'd like to know...
    How approx. this Dovo is old? Does anyone knows origins of Dovos 42?

    Photos were taken with my phone, so excuse me for low quality...

  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    yes it looks like 4/8, you can measure it and know for sure.
    don't know the age, i believe they were doing this stamping since the 40's, but I don't know for how long. i believe the scales are indicative of a bit later period. some of the more experienced guys may know.

  3. #3
    membres supérieurs cessnabird's Avatar
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    That is a nice looking dovo. I'm sure someone on here can shed some light on an appx age for you. Enjoy that little shaver!

  4. #4
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    Default Help!

    Hey guys, I am new to forums and don't know where to place a new post. I am wondering if someone could help me. I am wanting to know if Kriegar Stainless Steel Razors were any good. I'm wanting to buy a razor but don't know what to look for. Please give me suggestions as to square edge or rounded or stainless or carbon.


  5. #5
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    Welcome MrGentleman! Can't help i'm afraid, but nice razor all the same.

    They're carp i'm afraid. Do not buy them to shave with.
    Searches should throw them up if you want to know more.
    Probably shouldn't ask here though as it's a bit of a hijack.

  6. #6
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    Default Reply to Birdy on new threads

    Quote Originally Posted by Birdy View Post
    Hey guys, I am new to forums and don't know where to place a new post. I am wondering if someone could help me. I am wanting to know if Kriegar Stainless Steel Razors were any good. I'm wanting to buy a razor but don't know what to look for. Please give me suggestions as to square edge or rounded or stainless or carbon.

    Hi Birdy,
    To start a new thread, first make sure that you are in the site's forums by clicking the tab, "Forums."
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    Hope this helps, and welcome.
    Keep your pivot dry!

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