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Thread: Gettin' Better!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Gettin' Better!

    I was having some problems with the razor pulling on atg, so today I tried doing 2 wtg passes and it made the atg MUCH easier. Got a BBS except where I had to use the gillette on the tip of the chin. I've also noticed, as far as nicks go, I do better if I shower first and use conditioner as opposed to just washing the face and letting lather sit for a few minutes. Not a nick one today.

    Still having a little problem with under the jaw line, even though I pull the skin up over the jaw, but I should get that down soon.

    It's so nice when everything comes together!

    And thanks! to Nun2Sharp for taking a ding out of the bevel of my dovo and putting a wicked sharp edge on it!
    Last edited by simon1; 03-25-2009 at 05:35 PM.

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    xman (03-25-2009)

  3. #2
    membres supérieurs cessnabird's Avatar
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    It is nice when things work well for you when shaving, especially the first few times that happens. It's like a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep at it!!! The jawline and chin are always the trouble spots for most people. Be patient and take the time to examine your face/ beard and figure out which method of shaving ie blade angle, wtg/atg works best for your face. Jeremy-

  4. #3
    Member Stephen436's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simon1 View Post

    Still having a little problem with under the jaw line, even though I pull the skin up over the jaw, but I should get that down soon.
    Keep it up, take your time. I'm having the same trouble on some spots too. Some days they work out fine, sometimes not so fine. I suppose after a while with practice it will work out.

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