Quote Originally Posted by cessnabird View Post
It is nice to see someone exercise the "straight razor shave saving you money bit", vs cartridge. The question is, can you keep it that way. I had the same thoughts in the very beginning. I told myself that was the last razor I'll ever buy and I only need one brush, etc. Now I find myself prowling the classifieds and antique shops trying to get my hands on any shaving gear that I can. It is a hard thing to resist. Good luck with it all and thanks for sharing your story! Jeremy-
I think the way I did it is probably not the cheapest way, but it did avoid a big one time out lay. The most I ever spent in one go was £24.

I don't mind spending the odd few notes on a new soap or cream (a badger brush is in my future also), it's something I enjoy and I WILL indulge - but I am glad that I didn't sit in front of the computer on day one and buy all the 'best' kit - it's so easy to do but I'm not sure how much I would have gained.