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04-20-2009, 09:09 PM #1
The Prodigal Beard Has Returned - WOW!
Sorry this is long . . .
First off, my sincere thanks to those who have pointed me in the right direction (erictski) and others who were patient in answering obvious newbie questions. What a great bunch of people - what a great forum!
My DOVO 6/8 SR kit was on the doorstep for me as I returned from errands. The contents were neatly and securely packaged, with a hand-written thank you note from Erin @ Vintage Blades. My DOVO also had a note that it was honed, no need to strop, courtesy of Lynn Abrams . . .Thank you Erin, thank you Lynn - my business will be yours. I had held off shaving all weekend for today, and yes it might have been strange taking a shower @ 2 PM (I work from home), but I could not wait any longer.
It has been 15 years since I had shaved with a straight razor, and I discovered some things that I will share in hopes I can provide encouragement to those newbies who are just starting out (I still consider myself a newbie at this stage), or who are considering.
1. Professionally, "ready to shave" SR razors are WAY different than those purchased from a knife store display case or no name mail order and Zoroing your face. Thank you Lynn for your talents . . . wow. Thank you again Vintage for quality on many levels.
2. Shaving with a SR is like riding a bike. Once you have done it, you can get back on it and ride it again. However, I also discovered that you can fall off and scrape your knees just as if you were riding for the first time!
3. Shave S L O W. When I first started SR shaving it took me an hour and my friends thought I was nuts. Well, it took me an hour this time too, but I wanted and pretty much got a bbs shave! The time it takes to shave will decrease, but I am not looking to quickly shave anymore. This is a relaxing time to focus on me; a grooming that pretty much encompasses gentlemanly masculinity. Simply put, SR shavers are studly, manly men!
4. I have a chin that is relatively "skin loose", but so pointed that map makers across the country and a few at National Geographic wish to lease my chin for their next compass rose. This part was and will continue to be a challenge until I am more accustomed. If you have a challenge area(s), relax, make sure your razor is well stropped, and your face lathered correctly and TAKE YOUR TIME. You will be fine.
5. Styptic pencils will wake up the most serious of drunks better than a double shot of Starbucks espresso served intravenously. I nicked and yes, even cut my self in so many places today, the second pass lathering looked like peppermint ice cream (thereby the barber pole design I guess). However, if you have a properly honed blade, these little cuts will actually be incisions of almost surgical quality. As such, they stop bleeding very rapidly and heal w/in 24 hrs. Unlike a "The best a man can get . .la la la jingle .. .", cartridge razors that rip (Avulse) the skin, thereby requiring the user to turn their face into a collage of red shaded toilet paper stickies.
6. Cold water rinse followed by Clubman's Bay Rum (thank you gssixgun, erictski, & Joeman), and I was good to go. No bleeding, but a good amount of sting for a while. I then followed with Clinique's M Lotion for Men (totally awesome lotion too). Pretty much BBS, I let my 11 y.o. daughter touch my face and she just said, "Wow!"
So, if you have recently taken the SR plunge I tip my hat to you. It is a bold step that you are taking and one that exemplies a unique masculine character that seems to be diminishing from our society. Stick with it - if you ever start thinking of the disposable, or your eyes wander to the closet for your electric razor in frustration, remember that all SRP members have been where you are now - every single one. More importantly, they are ready and willing to patiently and generously support you.
Gentleman, SRP and their vendors seriously rock!
Many thanks,
The Alpsman
04-21-2009, 02:35 PM #2
Great post Alpsman! Welcome back to the land
of the straight razor
- Scott
04-22-2009, 06:39 AM #3
What he said... absolutely!