Thanks for the fantastic post! Do post frequently and keep us informed of your progress.

I tend to not visit the forums for long periods of time so I'm not really up-to-date on the techniques, methods and experiences. Recently, I decided to try shaving directly after showering based upon suggestions from the Masters. For me, that means no glasses and steamed-up mirrors.

I'm trying to develop my "once down, once up, walk away" technique. It's been working very well. Not the BBS shave I'm used to when I have time and my bifocals, but very acceptable, and pretty darned quick. I've gotten it down to under 15 minutes. Today I picked up the Timor Blue Steel instead of the Dovo Prima Klang and got busy. It's really a good shaver, but sorta felt different than what I'm used to. Good shave none-the-less.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that technique is "job one" and good hardware only makes it easier, faster and more pleasant.

Keep it up! Soon it won't even be a special event... just shaving as it was meant to be!