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  1. #11
    Freakin' Ladies Man Hillie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oren View Post
    I'll send it to a honemeister and go from there.

    Thanks for the help!
    Look at a bunch of the videos and read some of the guides, that should put you on track. Don't be afraid to use some pressure, it's different from a DE. Good luck!

  2. #12
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I'm doing free honing lately. It's described in this thread. I'll do yours as well. If you're interested, just send me a PM.

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  4. #13
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oren View Post
    I'll contact a honester for some sharpening.
    Aye laddie, that's the ticket!

    Once you get the razor shave ready take your time. Work on your angles and pressures prior to going whole hog. Your face will appreciate it.

  5. #14
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I'd vote for sending the henckels instead
    Presuming these are all yours, of course.
    Shaving arm hair may mean it's pretty close, or it may be quite far either. It all depends on exactly how it shaves it. And the AoS razors are generally not as sharp as most of us here like.

  6. #15
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    Shaving arm hair means it's close-ish, at some parts of the blade at least, but if it's not fully there it just means it's going to tug like you found. A really dull razor won't tug at all. It glides smoother than a very sharp razor, it just doesn't cut any hair

    Great offer Utopian! You ought to take him up on it Oren!

  7. #16
    Senior Member broncobob's Avatar
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    + 1 on other post .Yes AOS St8s (Theirs Isards) are not shave ready when the sell them to you they will claim they are but are not.
    send it out to get a proper honeing .And you will notice the diffrence right away,
    Happy Shaving

  8. #17
    Senior Member Croaker's Avatar
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    If your razor is the Boker Red Injun, you are in for a treat when it is professionally honed. A US Senator was quoted from the Senate floor in the 1940's stating: "There is no better razor than a Boker Red Injun". I have found that to be true from my own experiences with them.

  9. #18
    membres supérieurs cessnabird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillie View Post
    Look at a bunch of the videos and read some of the guides, that should put you on track. Don't be afraid to use some pressure, it's different from a DE. Good luck!

    Actually, he should be afraid to use pressure. Pressure+ straight razor = bad things! Not trying to knock your advice at all but we need to keep the new peeps learning the right way from the beginning so they enjoy and stick with it.

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  11. #19
    Senior Moment Tonsor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessnabird View Post
    Actually, he should be afraid to use pressure. Pressure+ straight razor = bad things! Not trying to knock your advice at all but we need to keep the new peeps learning the right way from the beginning so they enjoy and stick with it.
    I agree with Jeremy. With proper prep, a shave ready str8, and good stretching, the blade barely touches the skin. If I need pressure, it's time to refresh the blade on my CrO paddle.

  12. #20
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I got his razor tonight and it is in surprisingly good condition. It actually had a pretty good bevel on it, which was a surprise for a craigslist razor, but the edge had a lot of micro-chipping and pitting that had to be removed. Aside from being new to the sport, that was likely the reason that he had trouble shaving with it.
    I'll be shave testing it in the morning and hopefully we'll have another convert in a few more days!
    Last edited by Utopian; 05-06-2009 at 02:33 PM. Reason: typo

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