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Thread: Checking in...

  1. #11
    Retired Developer
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    Welcome to SRP, Matt,

    And many thanks for the best introduction to this site I have ever read.

    Looking forward to reading more from you!

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to BeBerlin For This Useful Post:

    m0perale (05-08-2009)

  3. #12
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    I will check out TGQ, indeed. Even after 2-3 good shaves (so far) I'm still obsessed with reading, learning, and improving. I suppose that's why I teach!

    In response to stropping, I normally (hah, almost tongue-in-cheek, as it's been a week?) go for 25 on the 'linen' side and around 60 or so on the leather before the shave. After the shave I follow up with about the same if I have time, but at least 20 and 30 if not.

  4. #13
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    Way cool Matt, it sounds like you're on your way
    to a lifetime of great shaves. Thanks for sharing!

    - Scott

  5. #14
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    sounds great!

    yeah i concur with placing an order with colleen - she makes some fine soap.

    btw how did that 3rd shave go?

  6. #15
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dward View Post
    Check TGQ soaps. Colleen's are the best!

    Amen, brother!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  7. #16
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    Well, I shaved this morning instead of last night. Consequently, I felt more rushed and didn't get as close as the first two (but still satisfactory).

    I hope to never let confidence lead to complacency!

  8. #17
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    Default Tragedy to TRIUMPH!

    After my mediocre (but better than Mach 3) shave I posted about there, I waited the usual 2 days. My wife briefly mentioned shaving her legs, but not trusting herself to do it... anyway, I got a decent shave (number 4?) and 20 minutes later my wife asked me to shave her legs, knowing how sharp the blade was, knowing how little experience I had... she had trust.

    I took her the whole nine yards with the hot towel, lathering up, etc. and shaved her legs... It was tough, but I kept the focus on the task at hand. In retrospect, I went with the grain instead of against, but kept the pressure extra light, paid very close attention to angles, etc. and did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself, and she agreed. Unfortunately I learned that if you do this once, you may be doing it forever more... C'est la vie. I finished with some lotion.

    I got a bit shave crazy. I wished, like so many others, that my whiskers grew more quickly... with other methods I'd have to shave every day. Not so, I learned. I wanted to shave the next morning/afternoon anyway. For some reason I wasn't as focused as I should have been and, well, you know where this is going. I know why they say that one should always know where his spike point is! Stupidly, I didn't realize I was cutting myself at the time. I got a giant (probably 1/2" in length, I may be exaggerating for effect) gash in my right cheek. I immediately grabbed the styptic. I shoved it in there, probably for a good 2 minutes repeatedly. I don't know if I trapped blood under the skin, or if I bruised myself from using the pencil so hard or what, but I had what appeared to be a hickey on my cheek. Embarrassing. I did this and had to show up to work (I'm a teacher... kids ask questions...I'm quick on my feet though and had about 10 or 11 different excuses that they all believed, ala fighting with rabid wolverines, etc.) the next few days with this mark. I healed up nicely by tonight and it was more than time for a shave...

    Wife is out of town for the next few days, so I put on some Zeppelin and cranked it up. I washed the face, made the best--and warmest--lather to date (the Col. Conk is growing on me). I got my strop hung at a new--and more appropriate--level and got my best results to date on that. I took my time, did 3 passes with little to no pressure and, treading lightly around the sensitive wounded area, got the best, closest shave to date. In fact, I'd say I'm 98% to BBS on my left cheek. I need more work under the chin, but overall, I'm not giving up! It's getting better as promised! TRIUMPH! VICTORY!!!

    Tomorrow I'm going to go antique shopping to find what I can... I'll let you know how that goes. Thanks for reading, sorry if it's too long/not interesting. I'll not post on EVERY shave forever, I promise. It's just so EXCITING and FUN.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to m0perale For This Useful Post:

    The0ctopus (05-16-2009)

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