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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default A few noob questions


    I've had about a dozen shaves with my Dovo spikepoint, and I'm definitely getting better at it. That said, I've got a few quick questions I'd appreciate some help with:-

    1. So far I only have 1 razor, and I'm about to start using it as my daily shaver. I know that the edge restores after 24-48 hours, but could I get away with just one or should I get another one and alternate?

    2. Once the razor starts to loose its edge, can I just give it a few passes on the 8000 side of my 4k/8k norton, or should I use the conservative honing pyramid option?

    3. Can I get away with just the 8k side in lieu of getting a pasted paddle? I understand that the paste can be used to extend the time between hones, but is it an expense you can bypass?

    4. Finally, the spike point has a gold trim. Will this be worn away when I put it on the waterstone, or should I put tape or something over it?

    Thanks very much.



  2. #2
    Senior Member crankymoose's Avatar
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    Craby, Welcome I suggest you check out the wiki plenty of useful info there,

    to answer your questions.

    1. I know what you are referring to in resting the blade between shaves, but the general consensus is there is no need to at all to rest the blade, that said it never hurts to have a nice rotation of straights as the more you have the less you need to hone among other benefits, that and any excuse to buy another razor works for me

    2. assuming your razor was pre-sharpened it should be good even as the only razor you have for several months with proper stropping and assuming you don't ruin the edge somehow, for touch ups most of us prefer something higher then a Norton 8k for smoothness and certainly you shouldn't have to go down to the 4k side on touch ups, either a pasted paddle strop with diamond paste, chromium oxide or some type of coticle or higher grit stone then 8k would be preferable for touch ups, chinese 12k are relatively cheap and there are plenty of other finishing stone options better then 8k

    3. you can shave off the 8k side of a Norton and many did for years and I am sure many still do, that said see answer to # 2

    4. I got the same razor a very nice shaver, I suggest if you want to keep the gold trim on it put 1 layer of tape on it when ever honing and just be consistent about it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member dkapp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craby View Post

    I've had about a dozen shaves with my Dovo spikepoint, and I'm definitely getting better at it. That said, I've got a few quick questions I'd appreciate some help with:-

    1. So far I only have 1 razor, and I'm about to start using it as my daily shaver. I know that the edge restores after 24-48 hours, but could I get away with just one or should I get another one and alternate?

    2. Once the razor starts to loose its edge, can I just give it a few passes on the 8000 side of my 4k/8k norton, or should I use the conservative honing pyramid option?

    3. Can I get away with just the 8k side in lieu of getting a pasted paddle? I understand that the paste can be used to extend the time between hones, but is it an expense you can bypass?

    4. Finally, the spike point has a gold trim. Will this be worn away when I put it on the waterstone, or should I put tape or something over it?

    Thanks very much.


    1.) The more you get into straight razor shaving, the less of a problem this becomes. I would recommend at least 1 more razor in the rotation so you always have one if one needs to be sent out for honing. You'll buy more at some point. My original plan was for 3 razors, but I now own 20.

    2.) Your best bet is getting a pasted strop. Some people can shave off an 8K hone, but I don't recommend it. CrOx can be had for $4 from the classifieds and it really does a great job to bring an edge back to life.

    3.) You really can't go without the pasted strop. If money is a problem, I would recommend the pasted strop over the hones.

    4.) Gold will wear off over time due to use. Taping will keep it looking pretty longer. I tape mine.


  4. #4
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    If the blade is already sharp, bevel is set and polished, you can maintain that same edge indefinately with a quality barbers hone. Its cheaper than a norton, it only takes a few laps to bring it up to snuff and you cant screw up the edge with it unless you get outright malicious.
    You wont need another razor or paddlestrop and you wont need tape to protect your gold and artwork.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  5. #5
    Senior Member JCitron's Avatar
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    Everyone seems to have answered your question pretty well.

    The only thing I'd add is regarding questions 2 and 3, barber hone. They can be had for 20 bucks or less on ebay and do a wonderful job at maintaining a good edge.

    I think it's Glen, though correct me if I'm wrong, who keeps several razors at the gym and he has only used a barber hone to touch them up over the past few years.

    Pasted strops are nice but don't think that they are mandatory. I only really use mine after I initially hone the razor, after that it's normal stropping and a barber hone.

    Also, way to grab the spike as your first razor. Keep on shaving and you'll learn fast.

  6. #6
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    I've had a Dovo for nine years now, and I havn't had any trouble with the gold fading off, so I don't think you need to worry about that.

    A barber hone is ideal for maintaining an edge. I picked up one of those from an antique shop for a few bucks.

    As far as having a second razor, you don't need it, as resting the blade for 48 hours seems to be something razor manufacturers madeup so that people would buy more blades. These things last over a hundred years, so if you didn't get people convinced that they needed a second, third, or even seventh one, you'd put yourself out of business.

    I have three razors that I use regularly, but that's just a preference. Having a second one is nice in case you bump yours on the faucet or want to send it out for professional honing.

  7. #7
    Senior Member sebell's Avatar
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    Hi craby,

    There's been lots of good advice so far, but I'll
    chime in with my thoughts.

    1. I shave with one razor, daily. However, if you
    can spare the expense, another shave-ready razor
    is quite helpful when you are starting out so that
    you can more easily gauge sharpness.

    2. I would recommend first trying the few passes
    on the 8k, and if it needs more then the conservative

    3. A pasted paddle will get your edge smoother than
    the 8k, but it's not necessary. I would wait and see
    how your shaves are off the 8k. Another option here
    is a barber hone, which has been mentioned.

    4. The gold on these Dovos are not on the actual
    honing surface of the blade (since they had to be
    honed/ground initially), so honing won't remove any.
    I don't tape any razors.

    - Scott

  8. #8
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    Default Thanks for the info

    Thanks everyone for your input. I've read the wiki, but I really needed to clarify those points. The razor was sharpened by Lynn before I received it, and I have a dovo strop which I use before each shave. I'm assuming the razor will stay sharp for awhile yet, but I'd like to be ready for when the time comes to sharpen it up.

    I'm going to lap the norton and practice on a Puma Inox special no. 68 4/8 that I have. It looks like it only needs the conservative routine.

    I'll keep an eye out for a barber stone, but the pasted strop seems to be the way to go initially. I see that Tony Miller has a double sided paddle which looks like it will do the trick. I can see that there's some experimentation in the learning curve, but I expect that's half the fun of it. No doubt a 12k stone and/or barber stone will come into the mix as well as my skills improve.

    Thanks again,


  9. #9
    Senior Member JCitron's Avatar
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    I couldn't edit my original post so I'm doing this as a new reply.

    It was Utopian who maintained the razors in his gym locker with just a barber hone, not Glen. Now again, the barber hone is just for maintaining an already shave ready edge.

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