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  1. #11
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ichinichi View Post
    and what, praytell, does the bottom of your pumpkin say?
    "This Side Down" ?????

  2. #12
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    Its says SAGROTAN or forget about it, wash it, dry it and expose it to light.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    I think perhaps you're a bit too worried about "sterilization". Nothing is truly "sterile" for more than an instant...Your skin certainly isn't sterile when you shave.

    I think you'll be fine if you just dip the razor in alcohol, let it dry, and shave in peace.

  4. #14
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    There have been a number of threads dealing with the issue of starilization/sanitation, etc. This one is one of the latest I have read: A final word on sterilization - Straight Razor Place Forums

    I think the consensus seem to be that you cannot completely rid of all micro organisms/viruses by simply adding chemicals. Sterilization is the only proven method/s (there is more than one) of getting rid of all micro organisms and viruses. Using some of these chemicals, you can safely get rid of most common pathogens though.

    What I do to clean my razors, is to wash the blade and scales with antibacterial soap. I have used 95% ethanol and iodophor on the blade as well. Cleaning the blades seems good but, if the razor is infected with spore forming bacteria, cleaning just the blade is a moot point, even if you autoclave it. I would not go as far as other to say that some of these precautions are unnecessary but definitely seem overkill in most cases. Again, do what makes you feel safe, as long as you do not not harm yourself, others, and more importantly, your razors... ;-)

    Quote Originally Posted by 0livia View Post
    You might want to dilute it a bit. (80%)
    Alcohol is most effective when its not 100% pure.
    Somehow it needs the water to work properly.
    I wonder what it is that makes work better diluted...

    Al raz.

  5. #15
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    70% ethanol has been shown empirically (trial and error) to be the most effective concentration for disinfection. Presumably it's because more concentrated ethanol evaporates too rapidly to be as effective. BTW, it is the evaporation of the ethanol that is responsible for most of the disinfection. As already stated above, the soaking in ethanol has little effect.

    For those of you considering alcohol for disinfection, 70% isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol is equally effective, readily available, and cheaper.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

    Alraz (05-28-2009)

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    70% ethanol has been shown empirically (trial and error) to be the most effective concentration for disinfection. Presumably it's because more concentrated ethanol evaporates too rapidly to be as effective. BTW, it is the evaporation of the ethanol that is responsible for most of the disinfection. As already stated above, the soaking in ethanol has little effect.

    For those of you considering alcohol for disinfection, 70% isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol is equally effective, readily available, and cheaper.

    Thanks, Utopian! I've still gotta send you that razor!

  8. #17
    Unofficial SRP Village Idiot
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    That is true, but you can not actually make 100% ethanol (even if that is what is says ont he bottle). The best you can do is 95% without a very good lab and you won't buy the 100% in your local drug store. I use bleach on the blades before I start sanding. But, beware it is very bad for blades and will stain a nice razor, so I do not recommend it on nice clean looking razor. I also rinse it thoroughly and then go over it with alcohol (70%). Peroxide and bleach are the natural defense in the human body and each are made by your immune cells so they are generally effective. The bleach is the best viricide, but not as effective for bacteria. The alcohol is better for bacteria but not as good for viral pathogens.
    The good news is that HIV, Hepatitis and most blood born pathogens do not live in open air very well unless they are spore forming( ie certain bacteria, fungi). The best news is that if you eat brains or mad cows then the prions in the meat can not be killed or destroyed by anything including heat, bleach, alcohol, or anything else you can imagine. So don't worry. Your alcohol will do just great!

  9. #18
    Senior Member sharpshavefun007's Avatar
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    i just wipe the blades with a Q-TIP that I dipped in rubbing alcohol and let it air dry while i take a shower. Sometimes the blade is still wet from the alcohol i rubbed on it so i just wipe it clean with more q-tip and then I shave with it. It makes me feel like it's clean enough to me.
    What do ya'll think about that?

  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    That is true, but you can not actually make 100% ethanol (even if that is what is says ont he bottle). The best you can do is 95% without a very good lab and you won't buy the 100% in your local drug store. I use bleach on the blades before I start sanding. But, beware it is very bad for blades and will stain a nice razor, so I do not recommend it on nice clean looking razor. I also rinse it thoroughly and then go over it with alcohol (70%). Peroxide and bleach are the natural defense in the human body and each are made by your immune cells so they are generally effective. The bleach is the best viricide, but not as effective for bacteria. The alcohol is better for bacteria but not as good for viral pathogens.
    The good news is that HIV, Hepatitis and most blood born pathogens do not live in open air very well unless they are spore forming( ie certain bacteria, fungi). The best news is that if you eat brains or mad cows then the prions in the meat can not be killed or destroyed by anything including heat, bleach, alcohol, or anything else you can imagine. So don't worry. Your alcohol will do just great!
    Not true. 100% ethanol can and is made commercially. The 95% limit only applies to purification by normal distillation. 100% ethanol can be produced by either extractive distillation or by normal distillation followed by molecular sieve dehydration, both are practiced on a commercial (not just laboratory) scale. 100% ethanol, also known as absolute ethanol) is, however, tightly controlled and difficult to get. You certainly will not find it in your local drug store. Ethanol is a low level disinfectent. I will kill all viruses, but only a small number of bacteria. Isoproynol, will only kill some viruses and a small number of bacteria. Both will kill HIV, Hep-A, Hep-B and Hep-C viruses.

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