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  1. #1
    1337 h4x0r5 Mudkipz's Avatar
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    Default First shave with self honed razor!

    I have just officially completed my first shave with a razor that I honed myself.

    If you've caught any of my other threads, I nicked my new Dovo on the faucet and sent it to Lynn for honing. I developed a case of RAD in the interim and now have half a dozen razors to play with until I get my Dovo back. All of which came from antique stores.

    After giving all of them an initial polish, I set about some intensive sanding/polishing (+/- 11 hours or so) on one of my projects.

    As soon as I began polishing these things I just knew I'd end up having to hone them, so I had ordered a Norton 4k/8k and a DMT 8c for lapping. I already had a mystery hone from the antique store. (general consensus here after showing pics seems to be an Arkansas)

    So after putting as close to a mirror finish as I could get on this thing last night, I took it to the hones today. I know I should have used a 1k for setting the bevel, but I could either afford the Norton starter kit with the crappy lapping stone that I've read has to be lapped itself, or just the Norton and the DMT.

    I'm pleased to announce that I shaved my entire face with no nicks or major irritation. It wasn't the closest or smoothest shave in the world, and I didn't chance even a second pass, but I think one more conservative pyramid on the Norton and some serious stropping should sort it out.

    I spent a lot of time on the 4k side establishing a bevel, then did an aggressive pyramid and finished on the Arkansas. 60 laps on leather, then the shave.

    I'll end what I know is a rambling mess. Just had to share. It's a great feeling to shave with something I brought back all by myself.

    Once I really get the hang of this, I'll have 8 shave-able razors!

  2. #2
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    Good for you! Congratulations on a real achievement.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Congratulations. I know how good I felt when I got my first shave off a razor I honed and it was an ebay special. You were smart to get the 4/8 and the dmt. If I may suggest something senior member Randydance advised me early on, do your pyramid and finish on the 8k. Then shave. I am not sure but it might give you a smoother shave than you got from finishing on the Arkansas.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #4
      Lynn's Avatar
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    This is where it all starts........

    It's like catching your first fish on a lure you tied!!

    Welcome to the journey


  5. #5
    1337 h4x0r5 Mudkipz's Avatar
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    I'll give the shave off the 8k a try, it couldn't hurt. I also have a wool/cotton strop and some dia spray and chromium oxide coming back with my razor from Lynn. I was unsure about getting it because of potentially rounding out the bevel, but a lot of people use it and I'm still trying to find out what my particular style is.

    I'll post some pics of it in the next couple of days. I already posted some but those were before I sanded it and polished it again.

    Now I just have to do some more research in the workshop section. A couple of these razors would look much better with new scales....

  6. #6
    Senior Member CableDawg's Avatar
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    I spent 3 1/2 hours honing an Ebay Henckles.......set the bevel, Shaptons 500, 1k, 4k, 8k, 16k. Hit the strop, 20 laps linen, 20 laps leather......with the shave I got I could have resurfaced the Shaptons! I didn't have irritation, though

    I had better results with my TI, but still sent it to Lynn. I'm dragging out the hones again this weekend, I'm giving the Henckles another go around. I use the TI as my benchmark, that's a fine razor now.

  7. #7
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CableDawg View Post
    I spent 3 1/2 hours honing an Ebay Henckles.......set the bevel, Shaptons 500, 1k, 4k, 8k, 16k. Hit the strop, 20 laps linen, 20 laps leather......with the shave I got I could have resurfaced the Shaptons! I didn't have irritation, though

    I had better results with my TI, but still sent it to Lynn. I'm dragging out the hones again this weekend, I'm giving the Henckles another go around. I use the TI as my benchmark, that's a fine razor now.
    Too much time honing!!

    More lapes on the stop!!


  8. #8
    Senior Member BHChieftain's Avatar
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    Congratulations! It sure feels good to know you can maintain your own equipment. It's a fun hobby (although my wife just looks at me and shakes her head when I'm sitting there honing...)


  9. #9
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    that's a nice start.

    forget about the arkansas, stick to the norton.

  10. #10
    1337 h4x0r5 Mudkipz's Avatar
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    I just won't feel complete without a finishing stone...

    I may see if the pasted strops fill the void, but a part of me knows that as soon as I have more cash I'll be back on SRD snatching a 12k Naniwa.

    Either that or I'll hold out for a coticule. I've been wanting one of those in a bad way.

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