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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by leadduck View Post
    You can fnd Williams at many grocery and drug stores for about $1.50. Inexpensive brushes are carried by many of them as well. Try CVS or some other drug store chain. Also, have you tried a shave balm as an after treatment?
    yes i am using a nivea after shave i said i think there's A feather DE razor somewere in the howse so when i find it i am definitely going to give it a go, and i wasn't talking about where to get the blades from, i was talking about where to get the actual razor....probably not gonna find it at a retail store but just asking......i was also looking at the schick injector ones....i might give those a try as well.....but ever since i started to shave i have not seen a irritation free or little irritation shave........

  2. #12
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbcohen View Post
    Perhaps if he looks on ebay he can find a lower cost razor which might help convince him a bit.
    Uhm, looking on ebay for a straight razor?!? That would be the most expensive option with the lowest chance of getting good results!

    I am not familiar with the feather de razors, i thought the feather takes single edge blades, which are quite sharp. Look up for a thread 'my shaving journal' from OLD_SCHOOL, he started with a feather. It may be a bit discouraging, but if you want to go that way I'm sure there is some good information there so that you can avoid some mistakes.

    If your skin is sensitive you should pay extra attention to the shave-preparation. Yes you can find everything in NYC, but you should do some more research on what products work better for people with sensitive skin. I'm not one of them, but I know the l'occitane soap is very liked by one of my friends with sensitive skin. It's expensive compared to some others, but from my understanding your face is a whole lot more important to you than a $20 soap that will last you a year or more. Williams will probably not irritate your skin, but I don't think it provides very good cushioning and mostrurization.

    And yeah, using a single edge on single pass over your face will reduce irritation. you must keep the pressure really low which is possible with these things, while the modern cartridge systems are quite the opposite - you sort of dig them into your face. They're made to be 'safe' and not cut your skin as you do so, but that still causes irritation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    They're made to be 'safe' and not cut your skin as you do so, but that still causes irritation.
    Yeah, I've found that friction is my arch nemesis. Good prep, slick soap, and a sharp blade make a world of difference.

  4. #14
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    for some reason i always thought that single and double edge would mess your skin up more than the modern razors since they r more sharp and they are easier to cut urself with.....guess i was wrong.

  5. #15
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    They are sharper than cartridge razors are, however that does not necessarily mean that it will irritate your skin more. A lot of the people that I have heard from that get irritation from cartridge razors get none of that when they use a double edge as irritation tends to be an advent of the Trac II in the early 70s. Don't know a thing about the feather razor so I am not going to talk about it.

  6. #16
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0smit0 View Post
    for some reason i always thought that single and double edge would mess your skin up more than the modern razors since they r more sharp and they are easier to cut urself with.....guess i was wrong.

    Well... When using DE/SE razors instead of having 3-5 blades pull tug on the hair and cut it, you are doing 3 passes with a single blade gradually removing the hair.

  7. #17
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    I dont know if anyone has mentioned this but...

    It might not seem like it helped after the first shave, but after 3 or 4 shaves and you get the technique down and unlearn the old habits from cartridge razors and you learn to make good lather with your shave soap, you shaves will start to get better.

    Another thing...many guys say a Feather brand blade is not the best to start with...but the razor may be fine...the Feathers are known to be the sharpests and with improper technique the harshest...

  8. #18
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    Just to let everyone know that i do not have feather blades...what i have is the razor....anyways i have another question, what are the differences other than looks about the old fashioned single edge razors and the one barbers use today, you know, the ones that you have to break a double edge blade in half and put in in the razor and slide it in....What are the differences and similarities if any? Thanks.

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