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Thread: Howdy Folks!

  1. #1
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    Default Howdy Folks!

    Hello everyone, a pleasant little community you have here. I had been looking for a place that had actual knowledge about straight razors, rather than just "I think my grand-daddy used one and I think it went like this..."

    Quick history of me:

    30 years old. Been shaving with a straight razor since I was 21. I used a fairly low quality one for years, and the most beneficial lesson I gained out of the deal is that the proper prep is key! I'm still by no means an expert, but at least I know that good prep and good technique will make a huge difference even with a poor quality razor.

    I'm not sure if the rest of this should go here in the newbie section, or in the ebay section or where, but I'll post it all here and I can split it up elsewhere if it would be better later.

    What I'm looking for: pretty much everything. And I'd appreciate some of you more knowledgeable folks' help in finding it, perhaps even in buying it from some of you? As with most people, I do want to be as conservative on price as possible.

    Stand/holder (it can't be good to hold my razor in a wicker basket with a comb, even if I try to be gentle with it)

    Honing equipment. Strops with paste, etc. (wood backed strops?)

    Decent older razor.

    Here's where I especially need the help. I've been looking over them on ebay, and while some seem beautiful, I know nothing about them.

    This one I think is especially beautiful, but again, I know nothing about them. Vintage-Peter J Michels-Cut Throat Straight Razor - eBay (item 170337258708 end time May-31-09 13:03:12 PDT)

    So, I thought perhaps if you could help me pick out a good one, or buy a good one here, then send it on over to Lynn, (who I hear is amazing with a hone) to give me something to start with.

    What do you think?

    Oh! I nearly forgot. Edge quality and long life are even more important to me than looks. I want to use the thing, not just look at it. So I'd rather be pointed in the direction of a very good blade than something really beautiful.
    Last edited by rippsnorter; 06-01-2009 at 03:53 AM.

  2. #2
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    Wow! That is a nice looking razor! I know nothing about the maker,but I am sure the razor is excellent.

    To start a razor out at $75.00, on eBAY, is unusual, and I am sure this razor would fall under the description as a real "Collectible".

    I don't know a lot about you in regard to what you are shaving with now and what kind of strop you have and how you have kept your razor shaveable, but I would not recommend the razor you have posted. If you have a lot of disposable money, then go for whatever you wish. The razor you have listed is an expensive razor, and I would assume it would, or should , be purchased by someone who has a lot of razors and knows what they want!

    I cannot give you a recommendation. Yes, I have bought a lot of razors on Ebay, but I know what I am doing and what I want. I would say to go to our "Classified" section. There are some good razors there. Read all of the wikis. There is a lot of good information there!

    Good luck my friend, and welcome to SRP.



  3. #3
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    Right now I'm using a Dovo that my girlfriend got me for christmas a few years ago. It's one of their entry-level models, I think it was around $70 or so. I need to learn to rehone it, but would like a second razor anyway and having a good one to compare to while I learn to hone makes sense.

    I'd really rather pay much less, but my reasoning was that a new razor like Thiers-Issard etc are running a minimum of $125 or so, and while I could find one a little cheaper on ebay I'd have no way of knowing if they're decent quality and could be honed up or not. That one at least seems it's in good shape, the seller seems to know what he's talking about and looks like he just sells razors. So I'm still cheaper than buying a new Thiers-Issard at least.

    I was actually eyeing something like this as well : VINTAGE ROTH SHEFFIELD SHAVE READY STRAIGHT RAZOR - eBay (item 300318761249 end time Jun-05-09 17:05:56 PDT)

    I'd love to buy a razor from the classifieds here, but need some help finding my way through there as well. I'm thinking high carbon is better than stainless since I want edge life and to learn how to hone and care for it.

    As to strops, I have a russian leather strop I've been using since I started 9 years ago, however if need be I might look at getting that one in the classifieds here. My money isn't disposable though, so I don't want to go too crazy

    I'm off to comb through the classifieds some more!

  4. #4
    Member chrisxc5's Avatar
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    welcome to SRP! well, for stands, get anything you think looks cool, i bought a coconut and made it into my brush holder and i love it (as for the razor its in the box on the counter so i dont really need a holder), check out Straight Razor Designs they have some really good stropps at very reasonable prices. As for the "decent older razor" there are many makers that consistantly shave very well, check out the wiki for a list of the reputable brands, Wade and Butcher, Boker and ERN/Crown and Sword, (although these other guys seem to be always outbidding me on ebay lol). blades from soligen germany are very reliable, keep browsing you'll learn a ton here! and good luck

  5. #5
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Peter J Micheal's is much better known for the "c-mon" line that is a nice looking razor but the starting price is sort of high. but like Zepplin says it is more geared to the collector not the casual user although I'll wager the razor would be a great shaver
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  6. #6
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    Well, while it's attractive I'd rather spend the money on something with an incredible edge, so I think I'll pass. As I said, my idea was to purchase something good, (Wade and Butcher keep coming up, I'm learning about the others) and send it to Lynn to have it honed before I start.

    I have to say though Chris, you just made me nearly smack my forehead at my own blindness about the stand. I'll put some pictures up when I have it ready, hopefully you'll like it

  7. #7
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    welcome to srp.

    yeah peter michaels was selling razors made by carl monkhorst, which are very nice.
    it all depends on what you like. for example i have favorite brands, a lot of which i know are favorites of syslight as well. but some people seem to regard very highly some other brands that i find inconsistent in quality.
    200 years of straight razors offers quite a bit of difference in grinds and designs... there just isn't one magic razor to recommend you.
    i'd suggest you take a look in the razor clubs threads in the razors sections.

    that should give you some ideas as far as the style and the grind and the size of the razor you'd like. and you should have some idea about your budget. if you see something interesting in the classifieds you can always ask the seller for more info.
    the thing is that if the razor is not honed it's only a speculation how it'lll shave, you'll only know after it comes back from lynn.

    so i'd say don't avoid the honed razors, especially from guys who have some experience with honing.

    and you can always ask somebody senior for advice on particular item, old timers and moderators are safe choice, even if they dont know they may be able to steer you to somebody who may know.

    your strop is good, no need for another, unless you become like me and want to try different ones.
    Last edited by gugi; 06-01-2009 at 11:28 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. Gugi hit the nail on the head with his reply and I couldn't suggest anything more. Read through the WIKI (on the menu bar above) to find razors to avoid, suggestion list and razor database for some of our blades. Also try the Razor Clubs as Gugi suggested. Good luck!
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  9. #9
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Good morning!

    The classifieds are easy to use. I've been there and bought from there quite a few times now. It works just like eBay. If you have a paypal account, when you click "Buy", it directs you there and you just release the funds.

    Then the seller will ship it to the address on your paypal.

    Check out this one, which looks like a great deal. I just bought a razor from the same seller this weekend.

    11/16ths Extra Hollow Ground in Ivory - Straight Razor Place Classifieds

    Good luck,


  10. #10
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    Thanks for the help and advice guys. I'll check out the razor clubs.

    Still haven't had time to finish my razor stand, I was gone all day picking up a Hobie Cat today.

    I'm suprised at how quickly the classifieds sell stuff too, the razor linked to was sold before I clicked on it!

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