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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Question what a question?

    Fatpanda asks why rotate? Do you know the implications of such a question. The consequences, the entire world economy would collapse. There would be labor protests from the world steel industry in all the developed nations. Related industries workers would join the steel workers in protests. We, the straight razors shavers, keep the world economy going, we keep the workers of the world employed everytime we purchase a new straight razor to add to our rotation. I think I have the wife convinced to help me keep the world economy going and not to ask when I purchased and how much I paid for the new razor. What a question? Juan.
    Last edited by juannaredo; 06-24-2009 at 01:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    what a question?
    The kind that takes too long to read

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