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Thread: E=MC2

  1. #1
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    Smile E=MC2

    E=MC2 has nothing to do with Einstein, the universe or the theory of relativity. This has to do with "edge equals the monetary cost squared". When you buy a razor there is the multiplier effect. The cost of stones to hone them, strops to strop them, the shaving brushes, the shaving soaps, the pre, during and after oils, the storing and careing cases, the styptic pencils, toilet paper to contain major bleeding, the polishing compounds to keep them shiny and many other items too long to keep on writing. The razor is the initial cost, but nobody tells you the perpetual cost the E=MC2. Juan.
    Last edited by juannaredo; 06-25-2009 at 11:45 PM.

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  3. #2
    pio is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by juannaredo View Post
    E=MC2 has nothing to do with Einstein, the universe or the theory of relativity. This has to do with "edge equals the monetary cost squared" When you buy a razor there is the multiplier effect. The cost of stones to hone them, strops to strop them, the shaving brushes, the shaving soaps, the pre, during and after oils, the storing and caring cases, the styptic pencils, toilet paper to contain majot bleeding, the polishing compounds to keep them shiny and many other itmes to long to keep on writing. The razor is the initial cost, but nobody tells you the perpetual cost the E=MC2. Juan.
    but they are one time investment...
    you dont need to buy right off the bad...
    also...there are options for this...
    you only need to re hone your razor every few months depending on usage...

    but yeah i agree to certain point, its not just the price of the razor

  4. #3
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    If you plan to hone many, many razors from scratch then all those hones are economically sensible. Otherwise it's just for the feeling of accomplishment...

  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    For many who aren't interested in accumulating an arsenal of razors or getting involved in the hobby aspect that's totally untrue. You can have a very few razors a couple of pasted strops to maintain them and a basic brush and soap and do very well for little money.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  7. #5
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juannaredo View Post
    E=MC2 has nothing to do with Einstein, the universe or the theory of relativity. This has to do with "edge equals the monetary cost squared". When you buy a razor there is the multiplier effect. The cost of stones to hone them, strops to strop them, the shaving brushes, the shaving soaps, the pre, during and after oils, the storing and careing cases, the styptic pencils, toilet paper to contain major bleeding, the polishing compounds to keep them shiny and many other itmes to long to keep on writing. The razor is the initial cost, but nobody tells you the perpetual cost the E=MC2. Juan.

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    For many who aren't interested in accumulating an arsenal of razors or getting involved in the hobby aspect that's totally untrue. You can have a very few razors a couple of pasted strops to maintain them and a basic brush and soap and do very well for little money.
    Also true!...

  8. #6
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    Smile I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    For many who aren't interested in accumulating an arsenal of razors or getting involved in the hobby aspect that's totally untrue. You can have a very few razors a couple of pasted strops to maintain them and a basic brush and soap and do very well for little money.

    I agree with you, but it is a lot of fun for me at my age to accumulate an arsenal of razors. Money is just paper, but a razor is a design of art. Juan.

  9. #7
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    For me it's not the razors that attribute to the expense of this hobby for me, it's the stones. But hey, natural stones are gorgeous. (well, at least the ones I have )

  10. #8
    Junior Member RustyRazor's Avatar
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    Juan...I'm with you

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by juannaredo View Post
    E=MC2 has nothing to do with Einstein, the universe or the theory of relativity. This has to do with "edge equals the monetary cost squared". When you buy a razor there is the multiplier effect. The cost of stones to hone them, strops to strop them, the shaving brushes, the shaving soaps, the pre, during and after oils, the storing and careing cases, the styptic pencils, toilet paper to contain major bleeding, the polishing compounds to keep them shiny and many other items too long to keep on writing. The razor is the initial cost, but nobody tells you the perpetual cost the E=MC2. Juan.
    Stones - only need one - about $60
    Strops - only need one - about $30
    Brushes - only need one - I paid $35, but you can find them for less
    Soaps - only need one, but they are cheap so why not buy more
    Cases - not really needed, you can put the razors in a drawer and wrap them in a towel for travel
    Oils - not needed at all
    styptic pencils - really cheap
    toilet paper - please tell me you already have this.
    polishing compounds - never had any and certainly not needed.

  12. #10
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    E=MC2 implies that the edge (E) increases/improves with increasing the monetary cost. Not necessarily true.

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